Women’s speaker series begins Saturday

Award-winning actress, playwright and scholar Stephanie Satie will perform her one-act play on Saturday to kick off the Saturday Speaker Series.

The Saturday Speaker Series, the 10th annual edition of the performance event celebrating Women’s History Month, will begin on Saturday at 3 p.m. with a one-act play performed by Stephanie Satie called “Refugees.” The play is about new immigrants reinventing their lives in the United States. Satie is an award-winning actress, playwright and scholar.

The series will continue on March 8 with actress and playwright Kres Mersky portraying 19th-century dance performer Isadora Duncan. And on March 15, storyteller Barbara H. Clark will present stories on the theme of “What is Love?””

All the sessions will take place in the Malibu Public Library, located at 23519 Civic Center Way. For more information, call 310.456.6438.