Walt Keller! I cannot tell you how encouraged I am by your letter last week indicating that one of your favorite adopted council policies is #23, “Protection of Home Rule and the Right of Self-Determination.” Obviously you’ve seen the light since the era of “Protection of Walt Rule and the Right of Walt-Determination.”
Seriously, Walt. Please stop reminding everyone that you were our first mayor. You’re like a nagging mother who can’t stop reminding her grown children that she gave them birth. You’re simply trying to create a bogus issue ahead of next year’s election, ensuring yet another ugly season of mud-slinging, vitriol and vengeance. Real solutions require diplomacy and compromise, qualities utterly absent when you and your pack of thick-headed bulldogs ran things.
There is no love for Joe Edmiston and his petty class warfare in this community. We’re all in agreement that he’s a menace and an unwelcome neighbor. Unfortunately, he’s operating under a state mandate that requires delicate maneuvering. But we are all on the same side. This city council has been working their tails off on this issue, listening to the community and striving for a workable solution while all you’ve offered up are personal attacks against political rivals against whom you have a personal grudge.
After nearly two decades of your poisonous, mean-spirited blather, I’m really tired of it.
Wade Major