It was 2001 and the Malibu Urgent Care Center was closing due to the high cost of operation and extremely low medical insurance reimbursements. Helene Eisenberg heard about this, contacted Marlene Matlow and said, “We can’t let this happen!” Together, we created a board, and here we are, 20 years later. The Malibu Urgent Care Center is still open to serve the Malibu community with its board-certified emergency physicians and an ever-growing array of diagnostic and imaging modalities to serve everyone’s needs. This effort was the kind of fire-in-your-belly motivation that doesn’t need medication. All it needs is a dedicated group of individuals with the same desire to keep on keeping on. What our board members all agree on is the fact that the Malibu community is too far away to drive into town for urgent medical needs. That’s what motivates us!
The incredible doctors who created the Malibu Urgent Care Center whom we all love and appreciate are Dr. David Frankle and Dr. Jill Furgurson. The new excellent doctors at the facility are Dr. Dan Katz and Dr. Lauren Pike, both board certified in emergency medicine. Their vision for the future of the Malibu Urgent Care Center is extraordinary. They are continuing to expand the breadth of services provided at the facility so that we won’t have to travel far for our medical care. Imagine being able to have a CT or MRI scan in Malibu, or entering the facility for complex procedures such as colonoscopies, cardiac stress tests and more, without having to leave town. Are you listening Malibu? It’s a large price tag and it’s up to us to donate in order to achieve it.
We who live in Malibu all want the same thing: access to medical services in our own back yard. We all know the horror of traffic backups and road closures because we’ve all experienced it. That is why, for this 20th anniversary celebration of our organization, our board is doubling down on its commitment to raise money. Consider that your donation is a personal investment in yourself.
Please help us celebrate our 20th anniversary and your health needs by donating to Friends of Malibu Urgent Care. Our mailing address is Friends of Malibu Urgent Care; P.O. Box 6836; Malibu, CA 90264. Or call, 310.457.1294. We are a nonprofit organization who, like you, all want the same thing: excellent medical care for our families, friends, neighbors, workers and ourselves, right here in Malibu.