Bad timing for attack


It is unfortunate that your publication gave space to the slanderous letter printed last week by Sari Snyder attempting to attack candidate John Mazza and timed perfectly so as to avoid any possible response printed prior to the election. I would encourage residents to go to city hall and pull records to view history of Mr. Mazza’s residence and all the properties that the Snyders purport to have developed and/or resided in. I am alarmed that your publication made no such attempt to verify these statements but printed them without checking for factual merit. I question your ethics but this letter’s main purpose is to address the lies you allowed Sari Snyder to spread like a disease throughout this voting populace.

If Ms. Snyder is stating that there are violations that have not been reported against the property owned by John Mazza and that she has knowledge of these improprieties, I take issue that Ms. Snyder is part of the very problem by withholding this information. This is a silly and infantile claim in a city that acknowledges the numerous violations of building codes.

Another correction involves her misstatements of our neighborhood corporation, Malibu Riviera One, which she errs in naming as a homeowner’s association. When she states that John Mazza would have been removed years ago, she conveniently does not mention that our corporation votes as a majority to appoint officers and that she and her husband have elected to not participate in 10 of the last 12 years that my husband and I have been attending. John Mazza was fullysupported by Mr. and Mrs. Snyder by them signing over their proxy vote to John’s trust.

Good luck, Ms. Snyder, finding a neighbor willing to help you in the future when you make a mockery out of our neighborhood corporation. We have plenty of memories of all that you have not participated in and stayed silent over. Your final statement that you have to be smart to live in this town is something that I’ll leave to the rest of us to analyze.

Mari Stanley