Pepperdine arts guild names new officers

Front row from left: Lynda Miller, Linda Beisswanger, Sylvia Sherwood and Jasmine Runnels; back row from left: Ellen Weitman, Joan Zambetti, Tonya Hull and Mary Hawkins.

The Pepperdine University Center for the Arts Guild named its officers for 2008-09 at a luncheon at Sherwood Country Club in Thousand Oaks on June 10.

Ellen Weitman was re-elected as president. Additional officers are Linda Beisswanger and Mary Hawkins, vice presidents and co-chairs of events; Susie Cowen and Sylvia Sherwood, vice-presidents and co-chairs of communications; Tonya Hull, vice president, membership; Lynda Miller, finance; Karen Orefice, vice president, advancement; Jasmine Runnels, recording secretary and vice president, archives and historical; and Joan Zambetti, vice-president, ARTSReach.

The Center for the Arts Guild was founded in 1991 by Rosemary and John Raitt. It is a group of community leaders who raise awareness and support for the fine arts at Pepperdine. The guild organizes several large-scale fundraisers each year, including a gala featuring world-class performers. The proceeds benefit Pepperdine’s ARTSReach program, which provides performance experiences and art museum tours for thousands of Los Angeles-area schoolchildren free of charge each season.

In addition to fundraising, guild members furnish much-needed support by ushering at children’s performances, recruiting new members, fulfilling administrative duties and other in-kind services.

For more information about the guild, call 310.506.4594 or go to

-Jonathan Friedman