‘T’was — Malibu Style


    T’was the night before Christmas and throughout Malibu town,

    No noses were frozen, no snow fluttered down,

    No children in flannels were tucked into bed,

    For kids here wear dwarfish pajamas instead.

    To make wreaths of ice plant, t’was not very hard,

    For non-native vegetation grows in every back yard.

    In the houses, Dads and Moms adorned the trees

    With lights and popcorn and candy from See’s.

    The sleeping kiddies were dreaming in glee,

    Hoping to find skateboards under the tree.

    They all knew that Santa was well on his way,

    In a Sports Utility Vehicle, instead of a sleigh.

    Soon Santa arrived and got right to work,

    He hadn’t a second to linger or shirk.

    He whizzed up the highway, zoomed down old Malibu road,

    In an Eddie Bauer Special, delivering his load.

    The sultry moon gave Malibu a glow,

    And lighted the way for Santa below.

    As he jumped from the Explorer he gave a wee chuckle,

    He was dressed in cutoff’s with a Western belt buckle,

    Malibu hasn’t many chimneys, but that caused him no gloom,

    For Santa came in through the north entry room.

    He stopped at each house, stayed only a minute,

    Emptying his sack of goodies that were in it.

    Before he departed, he treated himself

    To a glass of carrot juice sitting on the shelf.

    He turned with a jerk and flew back to the car,

    Remembering he still had to go very far.

    He ground the gears and took off in a dash

    And up Highway 1 he went like a flash.

    I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight

    Merry Christmas to each and to every Malibu-ite.

    Tom Fakeheny