On June 8, 174 Malibu High School (MHS) seniors will walk across the stage and be whisked off to a “fabulous” grad night at a surprise location.
This year’s grad night is themed “The Fabulous Life,” and will feature Las Vegas-themed activities. The event is being planned by a parent and PTSA committee, spearheaded by MHS parent Wendy Sidley, with a common goal in mind.
“The goal has always been, and will continue to be, to provide a safe night for our graduates,” Sidley said.
Grad night has been a tradition since the very first senior class graduated from Malibu, though the event has changed over the years.
“They used to have an all-night party in the gym at the school,” Sidley said. “The parents would decorate and work as volunteers during the party. The past few years, the party has moved to an off-campus location.”
This year’s graduation ceremony will take place at 2 p.m. on June 8, and then seniors will have free time after the ceremony to enjoy with family and friends before returning to MHS to board the grad night busses at 7:30 p.m. The busses will take graduates to a secret location and return them to the Malibu Ralph’s parking lot at 1:30 a.m., where parents can pick them up.
“Grad night is a total surprise,” Sidley said. “The seniors and their parents don’t know anything about it. I can guarantee it will be a fun-filled evening full of surprises.”
Admission for each senior to attend the party is $100, and sponsors are needed for the event.
“We are asking for your support and invite you to make a donation at a level that works for your family,” the Grad Night Committee explained in a letter to parents and potential sponsors. “Families and businesses providing financial support for the event will receive recognition in the graduation ceremony program.”
Funds raised will go toward venue rental, dinner and food trucks, a non-alcoholic bar, a DJ, arcade games, a photo booth, chartered busses and a surprise special item. Donors can also give a $100 sponsorship for a graduate to attend the event.
Donations to the Grad Night Committee will contribute to the cost of bleachers and seating for the graduation ceremony as well.
Grad night comes on the heels of MHS prom, which took place on Friday, May 13, at Skyspace LA on the 54th floor of the U.S. Bank Building in downtown Los Angeles. The event was planned by Junior Class President Maya Silardi with the help of faculty advisors Henry Wadsworth and Jordan Ervin.
“This year’s prom didn’t really have a generic theme, but rather the emphasis was put on how amazing the location was,” Silardi said. “The room was lined with floor to ceiling windows that opened up to the Los Angeles skyline. I would say we chose it because it was something different.”
Along with a spectacular view, the special night featured catering from Caffe Delfini, a chocolate fountain, two photo booths, surprise free admission to the 70th floor of the building and, of course, a lot of dancing.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many high schoolers dancing together, and I’ve been to the last two proms,” Silardi said. “It was really awesome seeing everyone come together and dance their hearts out on the dance floor.”
MHS students dressed for prom in a vast array of styles, and Silardi said lace and two-piece dresses were commonly worn by the girls.
“I think it’s hard to categorize common styles at prom because what’s cool about Malibu is that people have dresses from all over,” she added. “You can really dress it up or dress it down and either way, it’s totally acceptable.”
As with grad night, safety was also at the forefront of prom planning. All attendees were required to sign a waiver prior to the event, committing to follow the rules, not show up to the event under any sort of influence and not leave until the event ended.
“[Principal] Gallagher walks around and reminds the junior and senior classes of the importance of [the rules] as well,” Silardi said. “At the actual event, we have plenty of administration and teachers there to make sure everything goes smoothly, and lucky for us, it did this year.”
Though prom and grad night are organized by different organizations, Sidley -— who has a daughter graduating with the Class of 2016 — hopes the same safe atmosphere will carry over to grad night. She reminds graduates that, although graduation is an exciting time, it is still important to make conscious decisions.
“The most important tip I can give to our students is that their actions have consequences and remember there is a tomorrow,” she said. “Be smart and enjoy your time together.”
For more information about grad night, the graduation ceremony and other MHS senior festivities, and to learn more about making a donation, visit malibuhigh.org.