Pepperdine Students Speaks at Rotary Club

Jack Sherrer (left) and Malibu Rotary Club past president Bill Wishard

Pepperdine student Jack Sherrer visited the Malibu Rotary Club’s final meeting of 2015 to speak about his role as president of the university’s Psi Upsilon (Psi U) fraternity. 

Sherrer spoke about the evolution of Psi U through his five years at Pepperdine and the recent rebirth of moral character and personal excellence among his brothers. Since the fall of 2014, the fraternity moved from having the lowest GPA of all Greek organizations to the highest and set a new fundraising record by transforming its annual philanthropy. 

As a result of their reforms, the chapter was granted Chapter of the Year, Advisor of the Year and Service Organization of the Year during 2015.