What they do for love


    In last week’s edition of both papers appeared a letter critical of the City Council members for failing to attend the music festival at Malibu High School. Arnold gave the letter a title reaffirming his personal animus toward the mayor and Anne gave it a somewhat more neutral title.

    Whatever criticisms anyone may have of those of our fellow citizens who have given up time, money and privacy to serve as our elected representatives in this town a complaint that our council members do not participate in town affairs is totally unfair. As an example, four of the five council members are also members of the Optimist Club of Malibu. All four contribute their time and money to that club. All four have contributed the time and money that make it possible for the club to donate the $16,000 in college scholarships the club will pass out the week I hope this letter is published. They do not donate the money to the club from the $300 before tax that they receive for their official, city duties.

    The council members do not always agree with each other. They certainly do not always agree with me. They certainly do not always agree with those whose sole joy in life seems to be to complain about them. However, all persons who have served on the council, from Larry Wan to the two Jeffs to the present council, are deserving of our praise for serving Malibu and undeserving of our condemnation because they failed to appear at a particular event. All council members put in countless hours of unpaid time attending a variety of community events plus their official time. I am sure the writer enjoyed the event. I hope she will attend the pancake breakfast in July where the aforementioned council members will, I am sure, cook for her and for the deserving high school seniors of the class of 2000.

    Bill Sampson