Views aired at forum


    On Saturday, Oct. 14, the Malibu Township Council -sponsored Candidate Forum took place in the Webster School auditorium. The candidates competing for the open seat on the Malibu City Council presented their views on city issues and why they should be elected. A panel of proponents and opponents of Measures N, O and P debated the merits of these important issues on which Malibu voters will vote in the upcoming November election.

    On behalf of the MTC Board of Directors, thank you candidates, issue debaters and attendees for committing your time and effort to make this another success in the long series of forums presented by MTC.

    Public forums and debates to inform the public on major issues and promote the process of democracy in action has been a major goal of the Malibu Township Council for more than 50 years and will continue to be a major goal in the future.

    For those who were unable to attend the Forum, it will be aired on Channel 3. Check for dates and times on the Channel 15 events calendar and in the local newspapers.

    Efrom Fader, board president

    Malibu Township Council