Erroneous News Story Generates Death Threats – Malibu Tells SMMUSD ‘No’ To Autonomy Without Divorce – MHS Girls To CIF Tourney


Death threats at City Hall … extra deputies on hand last night.

City officials repeat … they made no request that a church stop feeding the homeless.

A TV news report that got half the story … and got it wrong … shoots around the world.

Malibu divorce negotiators say no to Santa Monica’s autonomy offer.

And the Malibu girls volleyball team is off to state.

This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

It’s the   ((((  final  ))) edition of the (((  Tuesday ))) news … from Radio Malibu  …. 97 point 5 K B U.

Good morning Malibu Big Rock Drive!


Death threats have shaken the city’s government … for a decision they didn’t make. 

Extra sheriff’s deputies were on patrol at City Hall last night … and it was an apparently shaken group of City Council members.

They say they had been getting violent death threats from across the country.

This … over a T-V news report that got one side of the story … and got it wrong… last week.

To be sure … the city’s response to a sudden controversy was too little … too late.

Last week … the C-B-S Los Angeles T-V stations reported that the city was asking a church to shut down its feeding program. 

Malibu Mayor Skylar Peak is apologizes … he sasy that was a miscommunication.

Councilman Rick Mullen was also at the meeting … last Monday. 

NEWSCART 77377 HOMELESS MULLEN 77377 :08 QQQ: doing anything.

“I understood, and the mayor understood, we never directed anybody to stop doing anything.”  

But that’s not the way the church members understood what was said. 

And it wasn’t the CBS T-V station’s fault … the Malibu City Hall was slow to respond to T-V reporters on deadline … who had requested information.

No person was ever provided by City Hall to refute the rumor. 

Only a press release after the story aired.

Too bad … the erroneous report ricocheted around the world. 

It was on the front page of Breitbart yesterday …. “liberal Malibu turns its back on homeless here.”

But the story was wrong.

Councilwoman Laura Rosenthal.

NEWSCART 77378 HOMELESS LAURA :07 QQQ: had this discussion. 

“The city of Malibu never said anything.

“We never voted on it, we haven’t had this discussion. 

But there were people in that meeting … who apparently misunderstood the suggestion … offered by Skylar Peak … that the soup line at the church might be closed … to see if it affected crime … 

It was  a suggestion … not an order … being kicked around.

And no one from City Hall got back to the T V reporter before air time … to say that the mayor did not say that … does not have the power to say that … and would not say that.

The TV news mentioned the lame “we reached out but no comment” as if that was some sort of excuse for only getting half the story.

The city issued a lame press release … too little … too late. 

No one was ever made available for comment. 

Emails went unanswered.

Meanwhile … the sheriff’s office stats do -NOT- show a major uptick in crime associated with the homeless.

Lieutenant Jim Royal does say that property crime may be going up … but a lot of that is the increased number of cars parked at remote Malibu trailheads and remote beaches.


“I don’t think the issue here is whether we should feed the homeless.  

“I think we all want to feed the homeless, and clothe the homeless, and house the homeless, 

“I think the issue is how do we do that in the most reasonable way … the wisest way … with limited resources so we don’t compound some of the problems that are sort of built into it. “

So … here’s the takeaway.

There is no crime major wave by the homeless … but there have been some alarming incidents … and there are more homeless than ever.

The mayor and the councilman who were in the meeting say they did -not- ask for the church feeding to end … a remark verified by others in the room.

A Los Angeles T-V station jumped the gun and reported the false story … which had holes in it … before getting the other side.

And as a result … death threats being made against innocent people … for a decision they did not make.


Malibu’s school independence negotiators have said “no” to a Santa Monica divorce offer.

Two negotiators from the city met late last week with school superintendent Ben Drati.

Councilwoman Laura Rosenthal says the city told Santa Monica that limited autonomy is a “no go.”

At last night’s council meeting … Rosenthal said she told Santa Monica that the divorce process will continue. 

She says the district will want an independent Malibu school superintendent …starting next year … but only to run the schools as the divorce process goes along.

And she says if Santa Monica wants alimony for a long period … then come up with a plan.


“They wanted to be paid over a longer period of time but it would result in separation, and basically we said ‘well you tell us what that would look like, we’re not going to tell you, that would be sort of working against ourselves.’ ”

The Santa Monica school board will hear back on its autonomy offer …. and hear from the general public … Thursday at 7:30 at the school board headquarters … 21 miles down the P C H at 16th Street and Olympic Boulevard … in Santa Monica. 


Want to underground all the power lines in Malibu???

Write a check for 600 million dollars.

That’s the estimate from city engineers … given to the city council last night. 

The consensus … the city doesn’t have the money. 

Some neighborhoods are already pressing ahead on their own … forming underground power line assessment districts.

For example … 49 houses on lower Rambla Pacifico are going ahead..

There is no public money to underground the powerlines and remove the poles.

Huge questions are on the horizon … such as what to do about large areas of the city that have already paid to underground their lines.

Charge them twice?

The matter was sent back to the city manager … for more study next year.


And … on the issue of neighborhood character … the city council voted 3 to 2 to go ahead with using that concept … as the city judges whether houses are too big for their surrounding neighborhoods.


It was a 6-1/2 hour city council meeting last night.


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … 97.5 K B U.  ((( time  ))))


L-A County firefighters knocked down a small brushfire in Topanga Canyon yesterday.

The fIre was reported in a small outbuilding at about 12:50.

The Superscoopers and fire helicopters were brought in.

It was on the ridge … east of Old Topanga canyon Road … north of the elementary school. 

That’s heavy brush, about where the Old Topanga Fire started in 1993.

The fire was held to the small building and about a half acre of brush.

It was declared a knockdown after 50 minutes … a fire truck was stationed there overnight to look for embers.


Where to put a giant stone anchor … a sculpture … in Legacy Park??

The city Parks Commission … and the Cultural Affairs Commission …. will have an official walkabout this morning at 10 at Legacy park.

They’ll discuss the potential placement and base design for the Anchor

for Malibu sculpture.


From the KBUU sportswire … the season is not over for the Malibu High School Girls Varsity Volleyball Team.

The girls are advancing to the CIF State Finals for first time.

The girls take on Foothill Tech of Ventura … tomorrow in Ventura.

The game is at Cabrillo Middle School … on Santa Clara Street in Ventura.

The girls are 23 and 2 on the year… Foothill Tech is 22 and 12. 


Traffic …


Weather for the Malibu ….

It will be ((((  mostly sunny   )))) today … highs around  ((((   69  )))) degrees today on the beach … ((((   80   )))) in the mountains above Malibu. 

Winds will be gentle. 

Downcoast winds will be   (((  barely blowing )))  this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((    4:50   )))).

After that … expect it to be (((  partly cloudy  )))) tonight … a low of  ((((    56  )))) on the beach … down to  ((((   50  )))) in the mountains.

Tomorrow should be   ((((  much the same   )))).

Right now … at Trancas it’s ((((    56    )))) degrees.

In upper Malibu Canyon … ((((     65  )))) .

And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((   53   )))).

In the ocean … it’s ((((   61    )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((  2 to 3  )))) feet high …. 

((((   A small NW wind swell builds, as selective S swell sneaks in.  )))) 

Those are ((((  fair )))) surfing conditions …. 

(((((  Tide is going out to a low tide at  12:57 PM.

A secondary high tide … 4 point 6 feet … is at 6:52 this evening.   ))))


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