Whale of a gesture


    I would like to suggest that it’s time for us in Malibu to “walk our talk” when we say we love and care for our dolphin and whale neighbors.

    Recently, President Zedillo, in Mexico, turned down a lucrative deal to develop San Ignacio Lagoon, where the whales that migrate past Malibu twice a year go to give birth. For centuries that lagoon has been a safe place for their babies to be born and begin their lives. But that safety was threatened. Surely, Mexico needs the money and the jobs that would have come with development. It was a difficult and courageous decision on the part of President Zedillo.

    Please write to him to acknowledge the importance of his decision and to thank him: President Ernesto Zedillo, Palacio National, Patio E Honor PB, Mexico City, Mexico DS 06067.

    Brenda Norman