Closure spells relief


Your byline entitled, “Locals rant against closure,” neglects to present the views of those most affected by the closure of Civic Center Way-the adjacent residents, school parents and the church goers. It is well known that those vehicles using the “short cut” instead of Pacific Coast Highway, present a special risk to us. I have had many instances (generally Pepperdine students) who take such outlandish risks as passing across double double yellow lines and the median islands to save a few seconds. I have had this Z traffic tailgate me with their overpowered cars when my intention was to turn right a half block away, but they expect me to accelerate to 50 miles per hour to go 50 yards. Ah, youth. They think that speed and agility defines a good safe driver.

We condominium dwellers can finally relax when exiting our driveways. If the cul-de-sac is discontinued, I suggest that a “stop” sign be installed at Winter Canyon and at Pacifica both. This would have the double effect of slowing the traffic, and removing the incentive to speed. They would lose the advantage of using Civic Center Way as a speedway.

The paper would do well in reprinting the photo of the two students cars “piggy backing,” one on top of another, and this in a small parking lot. Can you imagine how these young drivers speed when loose on a speedway? Then we have those emotional souls who exaggerate the problem by stating that it takes 45 minutes to go from Point Dume to the Civic Center because of the cul-de-sac, and those who state it takes a 15-minute wait at a changing signal because of the closure. These must be the same loons that oppose launching rowboats from the beach because it frightens the fish. They are the social nannies who want to dictate what others should do to be like them.

Give us a break, and put yourselves in the position of those who benefit from an adjusting society, and if you have a valid argument, argue the merits and not your emotions.

Henry J. Kaminski