Seniors get hit again


    “Seniors beware-scams abound” by Edie Riggins is the perfect headline for Kathy Wisnicki’s zinger per Page Getz that the “exemption would be at the discretion of the school district” regarding the school parcel tax Measure S as applied to property owners over 65. If I’m reading this right, she’s saying that the school district can take our money if they want to, regardless of the exemption. I think it’s fair to say that they would want to, thereby making the so-called exemption, a scam.

    This is the first time that I’ve seen the qualifier, that for the exemption to apply, you have to live in your home on the property, so if you also own vacant land or another house you’re out of luck. What about those of us seniors who have a spouse under 65, a child bride for example? If we somehow managed to get an exemption form, then applied for and got the exemption blessed by the school district, does it only apply to the seniors’ portion of the community property?

    How come property owners always get hit with the school tax? Those of us who have managed to stay childfree shouldn’t be punished; we haven’t burdened the system. Why not raise the sales tax and/or, heaven forbid, charge tuition?

    Jack Singleton