Summer travel tips

Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna

It’s summer time, and time for a vacation! Many of us may be ready for or planning a vacation for the summer months. Here are some safety tips to help make your vacation safe and enjoyable. 

Before you leave 

Depending on the duration of your vacation, pack sufficient medicines to meet any specific needs of your family members. You may need to bring along your family’s medical information, prescription medications, etc.

Be sure to inform your trusted relatives and friends of your itinerary so you can be contacted for emergencies. 

If you are going to be leaving your house vacated, you may want to stop or suspend all deliveries. An accumulation of newspapers and mail will attract the attention of would-be burglars. It is highly advisable to ask your trusted relatives, friends or neighbor to check your home regularly and collect mail and newspapers for you. 

Also make sure that electrical appliances are unplugged, the gas supply is shut off, and the water taps (or supply) are tightly turned off. 

When assembling your things, clean out your wallet/purse before you go; take only essential credit cards. Pack things of value and great necessity such as medicine and jewelry in a carry-on baggage item that will stay with you. 

Traveling in other countries 

Driving in other countries can be very exciting and enjoyable, but it can also be potentially dangerous because we may not be familiar with the different traffic conditions, rules, signs, road markings, side of steering, etc. Make sure to be wise with rental cars, familiarizing yourself with the controls and features of the car before taking the car out of the rental lot. 

If you do not have a mobile phone that operates in the country you are visiting, consider renting one for use in emergencies. Get to know what phone numbers to call in case of emergencies. 

Touring around 

Stick together with your family members and keep an eye on your kids all the time. Make sure everyone knows where they are staying (name and address of hotel/motel). Teach them what to do if they get lost or separated. You may need to agree on a meeting place, just in case. Avoid displaying expensive jewelry, cameras, bags, and other items that might draw attention. 

Watch out for the sun 

The ultraviolet (UV) rays in the hot summer sunshine can produce severe damage to your skin (possibly skin cancer) and your eyes. Be sure to wear protective clothing and equipment such as hats and sunglasses with good UV protection. Appropriate sunblock lotion can provide protection from excessive UV absorption. 

Food and personal hygiene 

When travelling to less-developed countries, you need to be more cautious about food and personal hygiene. If you are suspicious of the water quality, avoid using tap water to brush your teeth, drink or otherwise ingest (including ice). Instead, drink brand-name bottled water (be sure the seal is intact when it is served). If you use local water, boil it for five-to-10 minutes. 

When it comes time to dine in less-developed countries, consider avoiding raw fruits and vegetables. One recommendation is to eat well-cooked foods that are still hot. Seafood should be eyed with caution, especially shellfish that may have been caught in polluted waters. 

Safe Travels!