Join LNG protesters


My husband, Herb, and I have joined the No LNG Community Alliance (NO LNG CA) which is an alliance of all the organizations, community groups and individuals working independently and together to oppose all the California LNG proposals as dangerous, polluting and not needed. The alliance is especially focusing on opposing the BHP Billiton Cabrillo Project. The task force is a subcommittee of the local Sierra Club. There was a recognized need for a broader alliance that incorporated all groups and individual working in opposition to LNG. No LNG CA was formed to meet this need

The next meeting will be on Aug. 9 at 6:30 p.m. at Rusty’s Pizza at 606 N. Ventura Road in Oxnard, at the Freemont Shopping Center. If you have questions please call me at (310) 457-3585. It would be great if a showing of Malibu people could support our Oxnard neighbors in this important issue. It will be too late to complain after the facility is installed. This seems to me to be a very important responsibility and may supercede a “virtual protest.” We will have room for two riders in our car on Aug. 9.

Ellen Reich