Sound matters


    I would like to congratulate James Digby for being an aware human and not just “poo-pooing” the booming noise he and his wife have been hearing.

    I would suggest that Mr. Digby call and write the Coastal Commission regarding this as well as the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division at Point Mugu. I wrote the following letter to Point Mugu which mentions some of the current sound testings they are now doing. I encourage as many people as possible to constantly write, call, e-mail the Navy regarding this, as well as congress people, newspapers, etc.

    Oh, and by the way, it is not good for the fish! — or our fragile ecosystem! Thanks for your awareness James Digby — please follow through and try to get others involved!

    Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division

    Point Mugu Sea Range EIS

    521 Ninth Street

    Point Mugu, Ca. 93042-5001

    Attn: Cora Fields

    Fax: 805-989-0143

    Dear Ms. Fields:

    Several weeks ago I wrote and faxed to you protesting the missile testing that was scheduled to take place at various sites in the Point Mugu and San Nicholas island area. I now am writing regarding the U.S. Navy beginning to activate its low frequency active sonar project (LFA) in the same locations!

    Perhaps this might give me illusion that it is less menacing, however, according to the Navy’s own research, high intensity sound testing has caused permanent damage to human test subjects. Moreover, these waters are migration paths for whales and other creatures; plus the fact that these tests don’t just stay in one area but travel our oceans for miles and miles. It is an unconscionable act! We all share this planet together — life is cause and effect. The effect of these tests is catastrophic! We all have our function on this planet — think of the consequences in disturbing this balance!

    We must protect our earth and the inhabitants of the oceans. As I stated in my last letter, America should be an example to the rest of the world — and protect all species by stopping all such devastating testings! We all live here together — the U.S. Navy is made up of people — please use your own integrity! I feel that we still have the opportunity to enter the 21st century with the balanced wisdom of aware human beings — protecting all the creatures of this planet! We all must protect our oceans, our earth, our universe! Please stop testing now!

    Alessandra DeClario, Ph. D.