SMMUSD Looks to Fill Three Seats on Bond Oversight Committee


Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District announced that it currently has three vacancies on its seven-member Bond Oversight Committee. The committee was established in response to Prop 39 and a section of the Educational Code.

According to the SMMUSD website, the committee’s responsibilities include informing the public about bond proceeds, reviewing district expenditure reports and providing annual reports to ensure the district is in compliance with California law.

Anyone interested must first be eligible under any of the following categories: active member in a senior citizen organization, active member of a Parent Teacher Association (who also has a student attending a SMMUSD school) or an active member representing a “bona-fide taxpayers’ association.” A person will be chosen for each category, totaling in three new members.

For more information on the positions, visit; applications can be found at Applications can be sent in a number of ways: by mail to the district office (1651 16th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404), by fax (310.581.1138) or by email (