This is KBUU News – Day 292 – the Wednesday Headlines


= The city is doing dirty work for the MRCA … a city councilman charges.

= Rental scooters get formally banned from Malibu.

= The city says it’s not fair to take advantage of the fire to get an ocean view.

= Malibu’s very own presidential candidate may get cut out of the next debate … leaving the late night comics without a target.

= And the Malibu Farm takes Manhattan.


Support for this broadcast comes from Rancho del Cielo … a partner bringing public radio to the Malibu coast.

And we’re transmitting on clean solar power thanks to a grant from the Malibu Foundation.


Malibu’s Only Local Daily News ….

Plus 16 live morning traffic reports.

Seven times every weekday … on the radio.

F-M 99 point 1 K B U U.

Good morning … I’m Hans Laetz reporting.