LNG unity pays off


It has been my privilege to have been the Malibu Volunteer Coordinator for the “No LNG” movement for the past year. Initial meetings at the homes of Natalie Soloway and Scott and Jimy Tallal about a year ago brought together less than a dozen concerned, but mighty, citizens. From that alliance, spawned an unstoppable movement to take on a giant corporation, which had already spent tens of millions of dollars in its attempt to fast track the process for anchoring its floating factory off of our beautiful California coast.

It is my turn now to celebrate with you and take a moment to publicly thank so many. Thanks to Susan Jordan and her team from the California Coastal Protection Network, Linda Krop, Rory Cox, Judie Mancuso and Sheila Creal, Keely and Pierce Brosnan and their trusty side-kick, Jolene Dodson. I extend my complete admiration for your expertise and dedication to all things environmental for so many years. Thank you to Owen Bailey of the Sierra Club for leading the charge to the finish line.

An enormous gesture of gratitude and affection is owed to that amazing little team of Oxnard activists who deserve so much credit for lighting the fire under the Malibu movement. If we had an event, they came and in great numbers.

If you baked a brownie, and then bought it back for a buck, designed one of our T-shirts, taped up a flyer, papered a parking lot, stuffed a kid’s backpack, called a neighbor, bought a T-shirt, made a poster, worked a phone bank, attended a meeting, enlisted another volunteer, spoke to your civic group, participated in our weekly conference calls, signed a petition, barked like a carnie to get a coveted signature, wrote a letter to an official, e-mailed your circle of friends, contacted a perfect stranger, carpooled to an event, spoke at the hearings or donated as little as a dime, this is your victory to share.

You have protected one of the planet’s greatest natural resources for what I hope will be for all time. Sacramento works in mysterious ways. But I know that should the need arise for us to unite against a common foe, we will fight the good fight, yet again.

Lynn Griffin

“Former” Volunteer Coordinator