Mountains conservancy hosts evening campfires

King Gillette Ranch in Calabasas hosts an Evening Campfire every Tuesday at 7 p.m., through August 6. 

Fires and Malibu do not often go hand-in-hand, but beginning Tuesday the Mountains Recreation and Conservancy Authority is inviting visitors to spend a summer night roasting marshmallows around the campfire at its parks while learning about the natural side of Los Angeles’ mountains in a series of events called Evening Campfires

Families are invited to come to the weekly campfires in five local parks, including King Gillette Ranch in Calabasas and Temescal Gateway Park in Pacific Palisades. The campfires are sponsored by the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and will feature talks from park rangers, sing-alongs and marshmallow roasting, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Campfires begin at 7 p.m. each night and run through August 8, with each park hosting campfires once a week. They are free and open to the public, but King Gillette Ranch and Temescal Gateway Park charge $7 for parking.

King Gillette Ranch hosts a campfire every Tuesday night, Vista Hermosa Natural Park and Franklin Canyon on Wednesday nights, and Temescal Gateway Park Canyon on Thursday nights. Marsh Park will also host a limited number of campfires, on July 9, July 23 and August 6.

For more information, visit the SMMC online, or call 310-858-7272 ext. 131.