Hard loss to bear


C’mon city council, give us a hardware store. Sadly, the empty building at PCH and Webb way has been rented to a pharmacy. Do we need two pharmacies?

If I need something remotely related to hardware, screws, or toilet repair stuff, etc., I must go to either the Oxnard or Thousand Oaks Home Depot. There is limited hardware available at Kanan Road and the freeway but inevitably they don’t have what I need so I have to go to Oxnard anyway. This is a waste of both gas and my time, and contributes to additional pollution, however small, because of unnecessary trips for stuff that is not available in Malibu.

They ruined our beloved Malibu Lumber where I bought all the lumber to build my house. I loved that store. I knew where everything was and they usually had what I needed: minimum hassle at a price not exorbitant! And what a slap in the face to see the big sign announcing Malibu Lumber Yard. They should be sued for false advertising. What next? Signs on Ralphs saying Shopping Mall or on CVS saying Retail Outlet? How about a big sign on PCH saying Welcome to New York.

Lawrence I Ivey