Real issue is development


    Last week’s letters with their accusations and personal revelations did little to inform you of the real issues you need to address in the upcoming election.

    Your vote in April is not about ESHAS or the Coastal Commission. As much as many may not like the Coastal Commission’s LCP, the worst thing that anyone has said about the plan is that it goes overboard in attempting to protect the environment. The noise being generated on these topics only serves to distract you from the real threat facing your community in the next two years. The critical issue you need to stay focused on as you evaluate this year’s candidates is the 1,000,000 square feet of commercial development that is a heartbeat away from overwhelming your city.

    On schedule to come before the next City Council is the Malibu Bay Company Agreement. This agreement could open the door to over 1,000,000 square feet of additional commercial development within Malibu’s Civic Center. Outside of the agreement, the MBC is developing a proposal to immediately begin the construction of their wastewater treatment plant in the Civic Center. That’s right. Before any of you have an opportunity to vote on the MBC agreement, as was promised to you by the City Council, the MBC wants to begin building their wastewater treatment plant. Once they have a wastewater treatment plant and sewers constructed in the Civic Center, an additional 1,000.000 square feet of development is all but assured.

    According to David Resnick of the MBC, “This plant can be constructed without an EIR and without any vote of the citizens.” With an arrogance we have grown accustomed to, David recently informed our homeowner’s association that “we will begin breaking ground this fall.” No ifs, ands or buts. And you wonder why the MBC spent nearly $200,000 and partnered with Councilmembers Hasse and House to defeat Proposition P, which would have required that this plant come before a vote of the citizens before any construction would begin.

    As you choose your candidates for the upcoming election, make sure you consider the future commercial development impacts of your vote. Tom Hasse and Joan House, the architects of the Malibu Bay Company Agreement, tell you that your vote should go to Beverly Taki. Vote for Beverly Taki will almost guarantee that the Commercial Development Steamroller, currently poised at the gates of our city, will begin destroying the rural and rustic Malibu that we all enjoy today. If we do not vote wisely, you will wake up one morning to find Malibu overwhelmed with more commercial development, more pollution and more traffic.

    Get out, meet the candidates and vote this April. Just make sure you recognize the real issues you are voting for and select the leaders of your city carefully.

    Steve Uhring