Planetary Themes for the Month of March

Astrology forecast




As your planetary ruler, Mars turns retrograde at the beginning of the month, and it’s time to deal with unfinished business in your personal or business relationships. Any legal contracts or agreements may need closer scrutiny. After the 5th, you move into a more favorable cycle in your social life for meeting new people and networking with others to help advance your plans. 


You may be feeling some relationship tensions and issues at the beginning of the month. This will pass. After the 5th, as your planetary ruler Venus enters Aquarius, it’s time to take more chances and break out of your comfort zone. Opportunities come from your social or business network. If you take action, this can lead to the manifestation of opportunities around the middle of the month. 


Your mental clarity and insightfulness can be strong, but you may be feeling burdened with responsibilities or some emotional issues bothering you. This will begin to wane after the 11th of the month. You move into a favorable period for expanding personal relationships from the 11th-17th. After the 17th, your emotional and spiritual side comes out. It’s time to spend more time with yourself. 


You may be a magnet for others with problems needing your assistance through the 5th. After the 5th, it’s time for taking a closer examination of your finances and making some adjustments. After the 17th, you can move into your comfort zone and connect more emotionally with others. You can be drawn to foreign places or people and more interested in travel. 


Relationships and your social life can be a source of excitement this month but you may also feel burdened with some family-related issues to resolve through the 11th. On the 20th, your strength and personal magnetism increase. You feel like letting go of things related to the past and moving into a new positive direction. Others may have a difficult time if they try to hold you back! 


Try to be more adaptable with your ideas and views through the 11th. Some compromises are necessary to avoid disagreements with others. The focus is on work-related tasks and completing important jobs through the 17th. After the 17th, your personal relationships take on more importance and making meaningful connections with others. 


You may be feeling some relationship and family tensions through the 5th. It’s time to clear the air and also keep the peace. A nice shift occurs for you on the 5th when Venus enters Aquarius. You move into a more favorable cycle for romance, expressing your creativity and personal relationships. This can lead to some more excitement in your life through the 18th of the month. 


Your fixed and rigged ideas may be a deterrent to your success and happiness until the 10th of the month. Try to be more adaptable and look at things from another’s point of view. This can make a huge difference in your personal relationships. After the 17th, you are in a better flow to connect with others emotionally, and forgive and let go of things from the past. 


The focus is more on your home, family and security issues. After the 5th, you are inspired by new, creative and inventive ideas. These ideas of yours can turn into something tangible around the middle of the month. After the 17th, you may be dealing with family or emotional issues that make you go into the emotional realm and out of your comfort zone. 


Your drive and ambition to reach your goals are strong through the 5th. This may interfere with personal relationships. On the 5th, Venus leaves your sign and enters Aquarius. You can come up with original and inventive ideas to make money. Your spiritual side comes out more after the 17th. Just make sure your head isn’t in the clouds about important decisions. 


On March 5th, Venus enters your sign. You are in a favorable cycle for attracting more abundance and love in your life this month. Take advantage of the period from March 5th-18th, to attract new friends, love interests, or improve existing relationships by exploring new experiences. There may be some financial or career issues toward the end of the month to examine and resolve in your life. 


You may be more behind the scenes and keeping your thoughts and ideas to yourself. This begins to change on the 17th when Mercury enters your sign. It’s time to express all that creativity of yours. You are more at home with yourself and connected to your thoughts and feelings. Be careful about important decisions and who you trust through the 24th of the month. 

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