Letter: Waiting for 2016

Letter to the Editor

Now that we have overwhelmingly won the election (and also support its constitutionality against big developers’ challenges), this would be a good time for City of Malibu employees again to steal our “Yes on R” signs. 

California Democrats swept our statewide offices. We elected Ted Lieu to replace Henry Waxman as our Congressman and Sheila Kuehl to replace Zev Yaroslavsky as our County Supervisor. (Now would be a good time for you to endorse her, Zev.)

The same party will control both Houses of Congress next year. Americans chose the political party they like the least (Republicans) to run the government body they trust the least (Congress). I would love to observe the Republican Senate Caucus to choose the next majority leader and watch Sen. Ted Cruz trash Sen. Mitch McConnell and try to get the job.

Can’t wait for the 2016 elections … 

Ted Vaill

Vice President, Malibu Democratic Club