Letter: A Smart Solution

Letter to the Editor

Having lived in Malibu for decades while raising children; supporting the schools, places of worship, community, local commerce and the environment; and surviving fires, mudslides, Pacific Coast Highway, long movie shoots, party houses and rehab houses, I am confident that this community will competently resolve the uproar about short-term rentals. Malibu has always risen to the ever-changing challenges in our city. Beach houses have been rented here longer than we have been here. We have had rentals here before the city established TOT [Transient Occupancy Tax] and we gladly pay the tax. We have now retired and rely on our rentals to assist in the ever-increasing utilities and just life. Like other issues facing neighborhoods, we need to deal with the “problem” houses and not punish others indiscriminately. STR guests help city commerce (i.e., shops and eateries which are run by locals throughout the year, not just summer months). To say that the city does not need the TOT is a misnomer. This city can and will deal with “new technologies,” and not shrink from challenges. Let’s deal with the problem owners, not the good ones. We have never had a complaint in 10-plus years of renting as STRs.

Gary Zethraeus