Center enhancement


As a lifelong Malibu family, it seems to me our country is on the verge of some major changes. So should be our beloved Malibu. We have the power and the choice to do the right thing or continue to be the problem.

I am a problem-solver, always have been and always will be. My issue at hand is the reluctance of the city to look “outside the box” for a solution to the Civic Center mess. Geographically it is a low-lying area within spitting distance of the lagoon, marshes and great Pacific Ocean. Could Malibu not utilize a very progressive method in handling wastewater? I give you Arcata, California, another Pacific gem with a one of a kind bay known for Pacific oysters and oyster farming. They had a terrible sewerage issue which now has become a success story.

Wouldn’t the Civic Center benefit from having a recovery water treatment plant? Wouldn’t it be beautiful to use that water to maintain the old agricultural areas and make them bright with flowers, grasses and wildflower areas. Could you imagine for a moment driving out from Malibu Canyon, down PCH from Pepperdine or from anywhere and see the surrounding areas around the Civic Center covered in color, all around Webb Way. Even a pumpkin patch like they used to have in Santa Barbara!

Carlsbad in San Diego has a patch of tulips near Tamarack Avenue that stops people from around the world. If people stop to take pictures and admire it, where do you think they will shop and eat? We all have a choice to be part of the solution or continue to be the problem. I think Malibu deserves better than where we are right now.

William B. Stange