Local firefighter conquers cookie competition

Milk and Cookies Calendar star Lynn Mohr, a firefighter at Malibu's Station 88, is the center of attention. Photos by Cathryn Sacks

Firefighter Lynn Mohr of Station 88 wins a state competition for his cookie recipe.

By Kim Devore/ Staff Writer

There’s something burning at Malibu Fire Station 88 and it’s not a nearby four-alarmer. It’s the sweet scent of Lynn Mohr’s Surf Lemon Squares. These tangy mouth-watering morsels wowed the judges in a recent statewide competition and earned Mohr a coveted spot on the 2006 Milk and Cookies Calendar. Mohr’s tasty tidbits beat out more than a hundred recipes from firefighters across the state and made Mohr an overnight celebrity.

It definitely wasn’t your average day over at the old fire station on Malibu Road last week where Mohr was surrounded by shutterbugs for his first photo shoot. Looking a tad uncomfortable as the center of attention, the 30-year Los Angeles County Fire Department veteran posed for pics while seated on the side of the station’s shiny red fire truck holding a large glass of fresh milk.

His wife, Anne, meantime, was eager to serve up samples of the sweet treats.

“Wait till you taste the awesomeness of these,” she said, digging into a freshly baked pan.

“It’s my family recipe,” she explained. “The version we do at home is a little more elaborate, but Lynn modified it in order to make it fireman proof.”

So what’s the secret to his success?

“It’s all about the lemons,” Mohr explained. “You have to have fresh lemons, that’s where the flavor is.”

As for the name, “Well, we were thinking Squad Squares at first, but wanted something that said beach so we settled on Surf Squares.”

When it comes to calendars, Mohr makes no bones about the fact that he prefers wholesome milk and cookies to sizzling beefcake. No ripped shirtless hunky firefighter shots for him, no siree.

“I know some guys who’ve done that and you’ve got to take the heat,” Mohr said. “Beefcake would not be me.”

Despite his step into the limelight, Mohr doesn’t seem too concerned about stalkerazzi or crazed fans. “I’m not trying to be famous, I’m trying to keep this pretty low key.”

In addition to a coveted calendar photo, Mohr will receive a year’s supply of ice cream courtesy of the California Milk Advisory Board. “Well, that I’ll share with the guys at the station. We share everything around here.”

Still, Mohr says he was not motivated by fame or cartons of Coffee Mocha Crunch to enter the contest.

“The proceeds go to the California Fire Foundation and the California Firefighters Memorial. I thought this would be a great way to help a worthy cause and have fun at the same time.”

The Milk and Cookies Calendars have raised more than $20,000. Mohr shares his delicious distinction with another Los Angeles firefighter. Randy Beaty of the Los Angeles City Fire Department’s North Hollywood station was singled out for his chocolate malted oatmeal creations.

For the 80 or so losers, it’s back to the baking sheets. They’ll wait till next year, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

The 2006 Milk and Cookies Calendar will be available to consumers for purchase in October.