

Benevolent Jupiter boosts the blessings when it transits into its own sign of Sagittarius on, appropriately, Thanksgiving Day, and stays there for a year. The planet of luck is preceded into Sagittarius by Venus on the 17th and the sun on the 22nd, adding fun-loving fire to relationships. And the new moon in Scorpio on the 20th adds depth to intimate interactions.

Conversely, contentiousness arises from a creativity-dampening sun-Saturn square on the 16th-17th, a confusing Mars-Neptune square on the 17th, a relationship-rattling Venus-Uranus square on the 25th, a mind-clouding Mercury-Neptune square on the 28th-29th, and a spoilsport Mars-Saturn square on the 28th-29th. Fortunately, Mercury turning direct on the 17th will unblock communications, and Uranus turning direct on the 19th will accelerate innovations and breakthroughs.

If you know your rising sign from your time of birth, read that also.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Confusion and restrictions can unhinge your relationship and finances. Fortunately, the new moon offers insights that can illuminate your direction in those areas. And Jupiter bestows luck in education and travel through 2007.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Your primary relationship is in for a bumpy ride from a communication, family or career complication. The new moon, fortunately, brings a new relationship cycle. And Jupiter smiles on joint finances and inner healing through 2007.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

A miscommunication or misinformation can disrupt your work or health routine. Fortunately, the new moon presents a new cycle in those areas. And Jupiter offers relationship insights and growth through 2007.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Conflicts in romance may resemble a stroll through a minefield, so speak and act carefully. Fortunately, the new moon brings a new love cycle. And Jupiter brings luck in health- and work-related activities through 2007.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

A clash with your sweetie about family activities can be eased during the new moon, which presents a fresh perspective about your home life. And Jupiter smiles on romance, creativity and endeavors with children through 2007.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Communications resemble an obstacle course over the next two weeks, but the new moon will help you see the bigger picture and can inspire some fresh ideas. And Jupiter expands your home life and family activities through 2007.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Finances may suffer from a miscommunication, so try to delay major transactions until after Dec. 1. Fortunately, the new moon brings in a new moneymaking cycle. And communications and travel get a boost from Jupiter through 2007.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Roadblocks from your family and career make expressing yourself and taking action difficult. The new moon, fortunately, offers some fresh personal insights. And Jupiter amps up your earning power through 2007.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The new moon illuminates hidden factors that may be hindering your activities over the next two weeks. And Jupiter in your sign through 2007 helps manifest your personal and professional aspirations, so take some calculated risks.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

A friend or group needs your assistance but may consume all your free time. The new moon also highlights socializing and community endeavors. And Jupiter through 2007 cuts the psychological chains that keep you bound to the past.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your plans may be blocked by people who have their own agenda. The new moon helps by bringing in a new career cycle. And Jupiter through 2007 expands your social circle and philanthropic activities.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Long-distance travel and legal dealings, emphasized by the new moon, may be problematic until about Dec. 1. And Jupiter says that a big career leap during the next 12 months can help manifest your professional goals.