Get tough with educators


    Yes, this is a strong letter but I think we are in strong times and we need strong discussion to actually fix out schools. The only way to stop this abusive, “business as usual” is to stop funding the business as usual. The teachers have said what is needed. All we have to do is listen.

    A parcel tax on undeveloped property in Malibu on which the city has denied a building permit? The taxing authority is taxing parcels for a service that the taxing authority forbids the parcels to have? Anybody else think this is a little weird? How about illegal? I think it represents the latest insanity from a desperate California government that has squandered our tax money and like drug addicts, must have more.

    They will say anything, do anything to get it. Now they offer up the kids. “Who can deny the kids?” Well, this bloated administration of our Department of Education has been “denying the kids” for 20 years now, providing classes that are war zones of violence where violent creatures masquerading as, “students” terrorize all who enter. I am talking about our Malibu High and Junior High right here, not some inner city place. Fire the incompetent teachers, who through stupidity or just meanness abuse our kids. Get rid of the violent and abusive, “students” and the insane policies that protect them. Do this and I will gladly give you some money. I will pay for education, not baby-sitting violent zombies who abuse my kids. Simply make the classroom safe. Is this so hard? Yes? Then get another job.

    “This abuse doesn’t happen in Malibu?” We personally know eight parents who pulled their kids from Malibu schools as we did. Wake up, Malibu. Fix your schools before you demand more money. And for those of you who whine about saving public education, I think you care more about the tune-up on your BMW than the education of your kids. You would never accept a “mistuned” car but you do accept “graduates” who cannot read the newspaper? You accept some incompetent teacher saying that your kid “has no aptitude for grade-five math?” If you can read this letter, you could teach grade-five math. You use it to balance your checkbook. Any child who has the capacity to learn how to speak English can learn easily grade-five math and yet it is this class that our so-called teachers have so much trouble teaching? They need $50 textbooks to teach something that you and I could teach with a blackboard and a loose-leaf binder.

    Cash shortfall in education? Fire the idiot teachers and administrators who are abusing our kids. Educate the kids or get out of the classroom.

    Jim Glennon