Award-winning machine

From left, Malibu High School seniors Gabriel Rapoport, Nick Anthony, Nathaniel Gruendemann, Raven Odian and Sofi Peterson won first place at the Los Angeles Regional Rube Goldberg Machine Contest.

A team of Malibu High School seniors took first place, High School Division, in the Los Angeles Regional Rube Goldberg Machine Contest Nov. 9 at the Santa Monica Pier. The contest, which combines humor, creativity and physics, required teams to build a machine that would zip a zipper. The MHS team, called “DE Boys and Raven,” created a 20-step, LA-themed machine featuring the Santa Monica Pier, LA Aqueduct, LAX and other landmarks.

Team members Nick Anthony (team captain), Nate Gruendemann, Sofi Peterson, Raven Odian, Gabriel Rapoport and Amir Mahmoud are all in advanced calculus and physics classes at MHS. The team qualified to advance to the National Rube Goldberg Competition in Wisconsin in April.