Letter: False Information

Letter to the Editor

In response to “Woolsey Fire claims one more victim” published on Jan. 10 

I would like the article on Debbie Lynn Purucker retracted as it is false information. My daughter did not die from effects of the Woolsey Fire and she did not die from smoke inhalation. The article is all about her husband and very little about her. She grew up in Malibu, living at Sunset Mesa, then Point Dume. Her grandparents also lived down the street from her. I am also submitting an article I wrote about my daughter, sending it to Emily Sawicki. You can verify these facts with the Medical Examiner’s office and my daughter’s death certificate which I have already sent to Ms. Sawicki. I want the truth about my daughter—not the lies the Puruckers submitted. This needs to be corrected. She was fine after the fire and did not run up any hill; she could hardly walk, had special shoes and a cane.

Kathleen Robinson