Bernie Safire

Bernie Safire

Bernie Safire, longtime resident of Malibu, passed away on August 21st at age 90.

Born in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles to George and Molly Safire, he was 1 of 4 brothers (Eddie, Roy, & Al).

 As a young boy, Bernie developed a love for gymnastics and vigorously pursued the sport, achieving greatness by winning 8 Gold Medals in the 1981 Senior Olympics at the age of 50.

During the Korean War, Bernie served honorably in the U.S. Coast Guard as a hot shell man aboard the USCGC Minnetonka and as a lighthouse attendee on Anacapa Island.

Soon after his discharge from the service, he began his hairstyling career alongside one of the country’s leading hair stylists Gene Shacove of Beverly Hills. Eventually

he opened his own salons in Beverly Hills and Malibu, serving as a hair stylist in demand to many residents and major Hollywood stars. 

In addition, teaming with creative ideas, Bernie opened 3 restaurants, the Bagelah on the PCH, the Whale Watch (currently The Sunset on Westward Beach) both in Malibu

and Bernie’s in Westwood.  As an inventor he created and manufactured Wig Hats in Hong Kong, and developed The Kitchen Assistant which morphed into the Salon Assistant, and too many more inventions to mention.

His love of music (especially Frank Sinatra) brought him to compose several songs and his passion for movies inspired him to write several screenplays. He wrote and published a book called A Senior Moment that served as a daily planner for the older crowd. Bernie was an avid golfer, tap danced with Dick VanDyke and friends and enjoyed a good game of tennis. 

 Bernie’s arms were wide open to making new friends and he knew how to nourish and preserve his many decades long, close relationships. He had a warm heart, a winning smile, and a love for all.

Bernie had a strong love of family and was devoted to caring for his mother Molly and his brother Eddie, making sure that they were well taken care of in their later years. 

And nothing was more important than being there for his daughter Hillary and his Grandson Kyle. He was proud of Hillary as a mother and a skilled hairdresser and took great pride in Kyle’s accomplishments as a pro hockey player. His time spent with them was most precious to him.

Kyle honored and lovingly cared for Bernie until the end, as Bernie did for his mom and his family. 

 Bernie will never be forgotten and many will miss him dearly.