Pier movie nuisance


My husband and I moved to Malibu specifically to enjoy the peace and quiet of the ocean, but your movie night is drowning it out! We live a half mile from the Pier and we can hear every single word of dialogue clearly and distinctly. We called the Sheriff and he told us that this event is sanctioned by the city, with you as a major sponsor, and there is nothing they can do and that it will continue on a weekly basis!

While we appreciate your effort to provide a community event, must we all be forced to listen to it? It would seem quite easy to adjust your sound system -surely people are not that hard of hearing and would not wish to make their neighbors miserable.

Millie Wallenberg

Editor’s note: The movie screening Wallenberg is referring to was put on by the organizers of Call to the Wall surf contest-a one-time event. Monday Night Movies at the Pier is not sponsored by the city or by this paper.