‘A proud father and husband’: Derek Schimming remembered at Sunday’s Art Show at Legacy Park

Danita Schimming and her daughters Steele, Aubrey, and Tashina pose with a photo of Derek Schimming at the Malibu Art Association Art Show at Legacy Park on Sunday, May 19. Derek Schimming died May 14 after having a medical emergency while driving. Photo by Samantha Bravo/TMT

The Malibu Art Association held its art show at Legacy Park and honored Schimming and his work

“His heart was so big and so full of love, and it came out in every single thing that he did, whether it was helping kids with the surf therapy or mentoring people in art, whatever he did, he did it big,” Danita Schimming said about her husband, Derek. 

On Sunday, May 19, Danita and her daughters Steele, Aubrey, and Tashina attended the Malibu Art Association Art Show at Legacy Park to show his artwork along with the other artists on the board.

“Initially, it was bittersweet because we thought, ‘oh no we couldn’t handle it, it’s going to be too emotional,’ but I thought, ‘I know this is what Derek would want,’ and what an honor for him and for everyone to come out and to enjoy the art that he created,” Danita said. “He was so passionate about it, he would sob when he would paint, it was so emotional.” 

Last week, Schimming, a Malibu resident, was involved in a fatal traffic collision near Paradise Cove and Winding Way.

The Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Department confirmed Schimming had a medical emergency before the crash. Sgt. Chris Soderlund said an autopsy is pending to confirm the exact kind of medical emergency. Schimming was 60 years old.

The following day, friends of Schimming shared their condolences on social media after hearing the news. 

Friends described him as “unique, positive, passionate, kind, motivated, hardworking, and giving person and a beautiful human being.” He was always talking about his wife and daughters, and was described as “a proud husband and father.”

“It’s with a very sad heart that I just confirmed that my good friend Derek Schimming was the one killed in yesterday’s Malibu Accident on PCH,” Fireball Tim Lawrence said on Instagram. “Speed was not a factor, but something that could have been avoided with N/S lane separation. Derek was an amazing Artist and loved Malibu. I will miss you, my friend.”

Lawrence, who serves on the Malibu Arts Commission, said Schimming was a pillar in the art community here. “I’m going to really miss him,” he said.

“We are deeply saddened to learn that our dear friend Derek Schimming died yesterday. We all knew him as a wonderful artist, but more importantly, as a true friend,” the Malibu Arts Association shared on Instagram. “He will be sorely missed. Our deepest sympathies are with his beautiful family.” 

Being a board member of the Malibu Arts Association, Schimming was well-known in the arts community. 

The association featured Schimming, who served as their treasurer.

“We realized that many of you do not know the board members of the Malibu Art Association,” the association’s post continued. “These people work tirelessly behind the scenes to keep the association alive. So we also will be occasionally featuring board members.

“Derek is an abstract expressionist and his art is influenced by his father’s works from the 50s and 60’s with mid-century modern vibe. Growing up with a father who was an architect/artist and art collector and a mother who owned an art gallery and helped cultivate new artists, Derek was exposed to a variety of arts and styles and from a young age showed a great appreciation and his own artistic style. Without formal training Derek expresses himself via the emotions of life and past events, conveying from his mind’s eye to the canvas. Working primarily with oils and acrylics his non-traditional style produces unique and vivid works with multiple details and depth which draws in the viewer and allows them to discover different subtle nuances with each viewing.”

Schimming has also volunteered with organizations such as the Children’s Lifesaving Foundation last year for their Coastal Eco-Mariners Surf and Beach Camp at Zuma Beach.

“The Malibu art community is saddened to hear of the death of our friend and fellow board member Derek Schimming. He was known for his amazing smile and for his endless support. He was one of those guys who would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He was so supportive to the established and the newer artists in the community,” friend Tim Horton said on Instagram. “A very talented artist himself, he worked tirelessly promoting art in Malibu. He was involved in many local services, including surf therapy with the Malibu Underdogs. He will be missed.”

His daughter Steele said her dad was so excited to be at the art show on Sundays.

“Having his art here just solidifies the embodiment of his art, and I know he would be so thrilled to be here,” Steele said. 

“Go big or go home, that was Derek,” Danita said. “This is who he is, so he really lightens me up and become more open and free-spirited and it was really important for him to leave a legacy and I really feel like that’s what he has done.”

Friends continue to comment on posts about Derek, expressing their sympathy and how much he meant to the Malibu community.

“What a huge loss to our community,” Emily Scher commented in one post. “I am honored to have been his friend.”

The City of Malibu also released a statement on the incident. 

“It is with heavy hearts that the City of Malibu marks another fatal traffic collision on Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) in Malibu on May 14,” the press release says. “Malibu sends its condolences to all those impacted by this tragedy. Every life lost is one too many. Improving PCH Safety remains a top priority for the City, and we continue to work with our legislative partners, law enforcement, state partner agencies, and the community to find solutions.”

To learn more about Schimming and his artwork visit the Malibu Art Association on Instagram at malibuart_association.

Derek Schimming Photo by Emmanuel Luissi 2022
Derek Schimming at The Malibu Art Association first annual Holiday Boutique in Dec. 2022. Photo by Emmanuel Luissi/TMT.