2024 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count numbers released; Malibu sees a decrease since 2016


On Jan. 24, the City of Malibu participated in the 2024 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count along with The Los Angeles Homeless Service Authority (LAHSA) and community volunteers. The local count showed 51 people experiencing homelessness in Malibu, the lowest number since 2016, when the City began participating in the Homeless Count, and a 30 percent decline since the 2023 Count. The data follows reports from the Citys Homeless Outreach Team through The People Concern that they helped 51 people in Malibu exit homelessness in 2023 through placement in permanent and interim housing, or family reunification. For more information about the City’s efforts to address homelessness, visit the webpage.  

Encampment cleared in Rambla Vista area

On Jan. 30, city staff coordinated clearance of an encampment in the Rambla Vista area in response to community concerns. City staff worked proactively to engage with the person experiencing homelessness on multiple occasions in hopes of providing outreach services but were unable to engage with the person. The encampment was cleared, and debris was removed. City staff will work with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department to ensure the area remains free of any encampments. For more information about the city’s efforts to address homelessness, visit the webpage at www.malibucity.org/homelessness.