Seeing red


    Newly released national security archive documents demonstrate that Fidel Castro was willing to do virtually anything to assure the election of Lyndon Johnson over Barry Goldwater in 1964. In a February 1964 message sent to Mr. Johnson, the Cuban dictator stated: “If the president feels it necessary during the campaign to make bellicose statements about Cuba, or even take hostile action, if he will inform me unofficially that a specific action is required because of domestic political considerations, I shall understand and not take any serious retaliatory action.”

    Castro was very much aware that he owed his takeover of Cuba to the very forces in America then surrounding Lyndon Johnson, the failed Bay of Pigs invasion notwithstanding. He also knew that any substantive change in America’s political leadership could easily spell the end of his dictatorship. His expectation that the Johnson Administration would continue to tolerate and even protect him brings to mind the similar attitude of Communist Chinese officials who financed the re-election of Bill Clinton in 1996 for an obviously similar reason.

    Castro and the Chinese Communists present themselves as enemies of the United States, but the reality is that they are behind-the-scenes partners with America’s leaders. The ultimate goal of these deceivers is a Communist-style world government run by the cabal in which all of them are linked.

    Cpt. William L. “Mike” Sanders