Shoppers supporting businesses in Malibu for the holiday season

Trancas Country Mart was decorated for the holiday with its annual Christmas tree. Photo by Hayley Mattson/TMT

Malibu’s the go-to destination for custom and creative gifts 

Despite the easy access to online shopping, shoppers headed to Malibu to purchase their last-minute Christmas gifts at its main shopping destinations, Malibu Country Mart on Cross Creek Road and Trancas Country Market in Point Dume. With no malls in the area, these outdoor centers provide a less-hectic shopping experience. 

While the Malibu Pier is known to be an area that’s a must-see when visiting, the growing businesses have become its destination. 

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Callie Ross, employee at Drill Surf and Skate in Trancas Country Market, wraps a customer’s gift on Friday, Dec. 23. Photo by Samantha Bravo/TMT

In addition to Malibu’s influx of beaches and restaurants, Malibu has an array of retail clothing and jewelry boutiques, from high-end couture to sustainable fashion such as Outerknown in Malibu Country Mart. The retail store recently opened this year and is located in Suite 9 on Cross Creek Road. 

Assistant Store Manager and Team Leader Alan Mooney for Outerknown was wrapping gifts for customers shopping days before Christmas.

AlanMooney AssistantStoreManagerOfOuterknown SamBravo
Assistant Store Manager and Team Leader Alan Mooney for Outerknown was wrapping gifts for customers shopping days before Christmas. Photo by Samantha Bravo/TMT

“It’s been really good, it’s been pretty busy, we’re getting good rushes in and it’s been fun,” Mooney said.  

Just across the center lies Wittmore. The retail store sells an array of fun and colorful giftable items such as beanies, accessories, and charming nicknacks. 

Owner Doug Geller was wrapping a ribbon around gifts on Friday, Dec. 23.

“I’m working up a sweat wrapping all these gifts,” Geller said jokingly.

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Doug Geller, owner of the Wittmore retail store in Malibu Country Mart, wraps a ribbon around a gift on Friday, Dec. 23. Photo by Samantha Bravo/TMT

As for deals and discounts they provided for the holidays, Geller said they have many exclusive items they sell at their specific location in Malibu. Geller said they were open Christmas Eve but closed Christmas Day. They were also opening an hour before and stayed open an hour later. 

Each shopping center was also decorated with lights, wreaths, and a photo-worthy Christmas tree. 

Christmas Tree At Malibu Country Mart
The Christmas tree is shown in front of Malibu Country Mart. Photo by Samantha Bravo/TMT

Trancas Country Market also has a variety of curated high-end couture. 

Despite not having any major retail stores in Malibu, many stores provide something for everyone in the family, including your pets.