Comfort for Christi


    If what I suspect is true, Walt Keller and Caroline Van Horn, Malibu City Council members, have been diligently thumbing through their White House pamphlets #666, “How to sabotage any investigation,” and #667, “How to bury the opposition.”

    The victim this time is Christi Hogin, our city attorney. The big bully tactics being used are beneath even those of Keller and Van Horn. Not to mention the little bully tactics being mouthed by some of the local citizens.

    Christi is the underdog. Is this not harassment in the work place? I encourage her to stand her ground, be true to herself and her legal profession, keep her dignity and not cave in to this menace facing her. Christi, there are many of us in Malibu that empathize with you and wish you well.

    Gerry Battey