Letter: Bigger and Better

Letter to the Editor

We would like to clarify the issues relating to the future of Malibu Urgent Care and the Reiner initiative.

Malibu Urgent Care can stay at their current location for at least another decade. The only issue is space — or lack thereof. Its ability to treat more patients immediately is hindered by the few exam rooms they have now. And one bathroom is sometimes a hardship when the clinic is full of patients.

The new location for Malibu Urgent Care across PCH is part of a new proposed development. This space would be double the current size and accommodate so much more, including additional exam rooms, a CT scanner and a cardiac rehab program. These are a few of our goals for this future expanded state-of-the-art clinic.

The proposed Reiner initiative would not affect Malibu Urgent Care from staying in its current location, but it would affect the new and expanded Malibu Urgent Care location from ever becoming a reality.

Friends of Malibu Urgent Care is a nonprofit organization that fundraises via donations and grants to help achieve these future goals for expansion and creating a one-stop medical center for all of Malibu.

We hope that our community understands that our goals are to improve the local healthcare that is available to all of us. We are simply acting in what we believe are the best interests of Malibu by supporting the expansion of Malibu Urgent Care at this proposed new location.

Friends of Malibu Urgent Care

Helene Eisenberg, President; Jack Evans, Vice President; and Marlene Matlow, Secretary