Wetlands solution


    Subject: Response to letter by Mark Abramson in the April 13 issue.

    Mark Abramson of Heal the Bay wants to “Take Back Our Creek.” Today he still has a unique opportunity to create an extensive wetlands at the mouth of the Creek inexpensively on land already owned by the State government. On the East (Santa Monica) side of the creek at the bridge are several acres that the State has allowed to lie fallow for around 20 years. Mr. Abramson should make this a super high priority issue before he is shocked to find a State Parks parking lot on this obvious wetlands.

    State Parks always pleads poverty in developing the area. Perhaps Mr. Abramson can take the action along with his friends in the Malibu Conservancy to use private funds to create desirable wetlands. A public-private cooperative group could create a wetlands in months rather than the eons needed to capture and use government funds for wetlands restoration.

    We are a rich community – Go for it.

    Bill Carson