
    @normal:THE MALIBU TIMES RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE the publishing of any advertisement and to delete any objectionable word(s), phrase(s) and/or image(s) from such advertisement. If there is an error or omission in the printing and/or publication of an advertisement, The Malibu Times shall not be liable for more than the cost of reprinting the correct advertisement. You must check your advertisement. The Malibu Times’ liability is limited to only to one incorrect insertion or omission.

    @Header:Animals Lost & Found

    @normal:**LOST CAT** Old Malibu Road on 5/14/99. Delicate white w/blue eyes. Female. Her family & cat brother are extremely distraught. Please call 310-317-0150.


    @Normal:AGOURA ANIMAL SHELTER needs towels and blankets. If you’ve lost a pet, please call the Shelter 818-991-0071.

    @NORMAL:PLEASE SAVE LIVES and adopt. Many pure breed dogs and cats available to choose from as well as mixes. Pet Adoption Fund. 310-478-4455

    @normal:LOOKING FOR A LABRADOR? Want to know more about Labs? Consider an adult rescue. **SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LABRADOR RETRIEVER RESCUE** is looking for good homes. See us at www.sclrr.org or call 1-888-554-ALAB.

    @normal:WINSTON IS A GORGEOUS 2 year old large black Lab. Active, playful, friendly. Donation. Call 661-269-2497.

    @normal:2 BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN RETRIEVERS need loving home. Brother & sister. 8 years old. Well behaved. Love to walk, swim & retrieve balls. Very affectionate. Great w/kids. Must go together. Very bonded. Call Mary at 310-573-0217.

    @normal: TO A GOOD HOME ONLY. German Shepherd. 3 years old. Spayed & trained. Owner recently moved to new house & doesn’t have room for her. $250. 310-456-0558


    @normal:**THE ARTIFAC TREE THRIFT SHOP**AT 3728-1/2 CROSS CREEK ROAD accepts donation of clothing, furniture, pictures, frames, jewelry, kitchen supplies, shoes, books, toys, linens, lamps, radios & TVs, gift items. DONATIONS TAX DEDUCTIBLE, PROCEEDS BENEFIT COMMUNITY. Call 310-456-1068 – Hours Monday-Friday – 10am-4pm.

    @normal:#1 CAMPGROUND MEMBERSHIP and timeshare resale clearinghouse!! Don’t want yours? — We’ll take it!! Buy! Sell! Rent! Resort Sales Int’l. 1-800-423-5967. Void where not permitted. Cal*Scan

    @Header:Antiques Wanted

    @normal:**WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE** by propmaster. Interested in all: CAMERAS – TUBE AUDIO – WATCHES – OLD WEST. Make $$$. Clean out your closet/garage. Call Jack at 818-348-1320

    @Header:Auto Sports Utility

    @normal:87 GMC SUBURBAN 3/4 TON . Super clean, low miles, many extras. Original owner. Perfect graduation gift for the surfer. $4,000. 310-457-4241

    @Header:Autos American

    @normal:FORD EXPLORER XLT 94. White w/gray leather interior. New tires. CD. 59K. One owner. Garaged. $13,950 obo. 310-456-3255

    @Header:Autos Italian

    @normal:ITALIAN SPORTS CAR – ’86 BERTONE. Original owner. Sharp, red, very low mileage. Mint condition. One of a kind. Once in a lifetime deal. $5,000. Call 310-456-2424.

    @Header:Autos Wanted

    @normal:DONATE ANY VEHICLE, ANY CONDITION. Receive high blue book value guaranteed, for tax write off! Free pick-up within 24 hours. “Donated Auto.” Toll free 1-888-829-9748

    @Header:Building Supplies

    @normal:MALIBU MASONRY SUPPLY 3730 Cross Creek Road. 310-456-9444.

    @Header:Business Opportunities

    @normal:******ADVERTISE STATEWIDE!****** Place a 25-word classified ad for $450. Your ad will run in 200+ California newspaper. Combined circurlation over 3.3 million. For information, call The Malibu Times at 310-456-5507 and ask for Rae.

    @normal:INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Build your own financial independence. Full training provided, work from your own home, be your own boss, earn what you are worth! Bear Mountain Marketing @1-805-633-3473. (Please leave your name, complete mailing address with zipcode & phone number with area code.) We will mail you our FREE Informational Booklet right away! or log on to http://www.cash911.com/meg

    @normal:**BASKIN ROBBINS – 31 FLAVORS** Interested in starting one in Malibu? Call Carter at (949) 240-0418. I have a good location!

    @normal:LOCAL CANDY ROUTE. 30 vending machines. Earn approximately $800/day. All for $9,995. Call 1-800-998-VEND Cal*Scan

    @normal:AT & T BELL PAYPHONES. Local sites. Prime sites $150K year potential. Lowest prices. 800-800-3470 24 hrs. Cal*Scan

    @normal:REESE’S Pre-established routes available in this area. Earn $98K in 1 yr. Minimum investment under $5,000. 1-888-246-9485 Cal*Scan

    @normal:$1.00 STORES! $1-$10 Stores! 10,000 products. Financing available. Be open for Christmas!! Complete from $44,900. Call: 1-800-829-2915. Cal*Scan

    @normal:AREA PEPSI/COKE Route. 30 high profit locations with new machines. Earn up to $100K yearly. 800-440-2371 Cal*Scan

    @normal:AAA GREETING CARD route. High $$$ potential. NO selling! Just restocking! Fun way to may $$. Local stores provided. Low investment. 800-570-7480. Cal*Scan

    @normal:CLONE YOUR OWN Profit-Making Internet Business in a single evening! Shop www.4FrontTech.com then go to Dealer Information to clone your own vital mall! Cal*Scan

    @Header:Child Care

    @normal:COMPASSIONATE, JOYOUS, PROFESSIONAL NANNY available 20 hours a week. Flexible. Malibu resident & references. Early childhood education. Own transportation. 310-456-6188.

    @normal:SUMMER NANNY. Pepperdine graduate w/education degree. Love kids & outdoors. $10/hour. Malibu references. Call Jennifer at 310-317-7432

    @normal:CHILD CARE. 8 years experience. Loves kids. Some housekeeping. Energetic, hard worker. Speaks English. Available 5 days. Live out. Call Pia at 323-938-0959

    @Header:Computer Services

    @Normal:COMPUTER SERVICES. Learn to be proficient in Windows. *Word processing – MS Word & WordPerfect *Accounting – Quicken & QuickBooks *Spreadsheets – Excel & Lotus *Internet – Netscape & E-Mail. Expert, Friendly Instruction at Reasonable Rates. Individual lessons with your computer or ours. 310-456-9706 or 818-991-2871

    @normal:**CREATIVE COMPUTING** Baby Boomers “I can have you Surfing the Net in 2 hours!” Learning made fun & easy. Private lessons. Basics, Microsoft Word, Works, Quicken, Stock Portfolios. 310-454-1457


    @NORMAL:A to Z HOME IMPROVEMENTS. No job too large or too small. Carpentry, painting, tile, retaining walls, decks, masonry, dog houses, and more. Honest, reasonable, reliable. Local references. Bill 310-317-2221

    @normal:MALIBU CONTRACTOR, MASTER CARPENTER, serving Malibu 23 years. New construction, remodels, design. Licensed, Bonded, Insured. Impeccable references. Hands on construction & supervision. Phone **UHLER CONSTRUCTION** 310-457-5668 License #515395

    @Header:Construction & Hauling

    @normal:**BOBCAT 863 & DUMPTRUCK. Hauling, grading, dirt, concrete, asphalt, manure, demo. **D. P. FRAMING CONSTRUCTION COMPANY** Lic#52783. (805) 985-5165


    @normal:SID D. FERRIS ENTERPRISES General Contractor, Additions, Remodels, New Construction. 1-800-784-2017.


    @normal:MALIBU INTERIORS Shutters/blinds. Repairs, sales. Free estimates. 310-457-7366.


    @normal:BROADCAST APPRENTICESHIP opportunity available. One-on-one training at local radio station. Flexible train schedule, keep your present job while preparing for new career. Call (toll-free) 1-888-967-2446. Cal*Scan


    @normal:RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL. We do everything electrical, no job is too big or too small. See our ad in the Service Directory for Specials. CALL US at 800-660-8076

    @Header:Employment Wanted

    @normal:EXCELLENT PERSONAL ASSISTANT. Energetic, reliable, discreet, self-starter, enthusiastic. Managerial/organizational skills, detailed oriented. Multi-tasked, computer proficient. Excellent Malibu references available. 310-457-2612

    @normal:***PRIVATE DRIVER*** Malibu resident looking for full-time driving position. Your car or mine. Also can provide airport transportation. Beeper #310-610-2942

    @normal:CAREGIVER/CARETAKER, houseman. Local gentleman will drive, shop, cook, clean, maintain, repair, smile & enable. Part or full time. Please call Joe @ 310-317-2082

    @normal:EXPERIENCED CARE GIVER. Years of experience w/elderly care. Can provide round-the-clock care. All aspects of personal care, medication, etc. Healthy cooking, light housekeeping. Errands. Short-term or long-term. Live in or out. Local references. 818-880-8210

    @normal:COMPASSIONATE, JOYOUS, PROFESSIONAL NANNY available 20 hours a week. Flexible. Malibu resident & references. Early childhood education. Own transportation. 310-456-6188

    @normal:SUMMER NANNY. Pepperdine graduate w/education degree. Love kids & outdoors. $10/hour. Malibu references. Call Jennifer at 310-317-7432

    @Header:Employment Services

    @normal:SPEND MORE TIME with your family. Up to $45,000/yr. Software co. needs people in CA to process medical claims, must own computer, training provided, travel benefits. Call 7 days. Call 800-942-8141 ext 6. Cal*Scan


    @normal:******ADVERTISE STATEWIDE!****** Place a 25-word classified ad for $450. Your ad will run in 200+ California newspaper. Combined circurlation over 3.3 million. For information, call The Malibu Times at 310-456-5507 and ask for Rae.

    @normal:GET OUT OF debt free!! Credit Counseling Centers of America (member NFFCC). Free debt consolidation, lower payments, interest. Stop collector calls. Non-profit 1-877-936-2222. Toll Free Cal*Scan

    @normal:REFINANCE FAST!! By phone! Need second chance? Credit problems – Bankruptcy – Forclosures — OK. Low interest. (#01163658/DRE verification #916-227-0931) Platinum Capital – Nationwide Lender. 1-800-699-LEND. www.platinumcapital.com Cal*Scan

    @normal:OVER YOUR HEAD in debt??? Do you need more breathing room??? Debt consolidation, no qualifying!!! *FREE consultation (800)556-1548 www.anewhorizon.org Licensed, bonded, non-profit/National Co. Cal*Scan

    @normal:CREDIT CARD DEBT? Avoid bankruptcy. *Stop collection calls. *Cut finance charges. *Cut payments up to 50%. Dept. consolidation. Fast Approval!! No credit check. 800-270-9894. Cal*Scan

    @normal:CREDIT CARDS DEBTS? We can help! Save $$$ interest. Not a loan. One monthly payment. No equity. Call Debt Free America 800-229-2524. Cal*Scan

    @normal:THE DEBT MELDOWN – Too much debt? Save up to 80% on debt. Credit cards, judgments. Not a loan, not credit counseling, not bankruptcy. No debt in 12-30 months. Toll free 1-877-510-5626 Cal*Scan

    @Header:Flea Market


    @normal:LIGHT FIXTURE COVERS, for apartment building. 6 assorted glass globes. $11. 829-1568

    @normal:VAPORIZER, “Devilbiss” works fine. $5. 829-1568

    @normal:DODGER BASEBALL CAP from 9/30/82, 10th player. $10. 829-1568

    @normal:CRUTCHES, aluminum. Adjustable, 5’10”-6’6″ $10. 829-1568

    @normal:CHRISTMAS ITEMS. Centerpiece, tins, miscellaneous stuff. All for $15. 829-1568.

    @normal:CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS MUG 1977. $6. 829-1568

    @normal:MANUAL. for Porsche 924/Turbo. 1976-1982. $8. 829-1568

    @normal:BAR STOOL, no arms. Swivels, adjustable 23″ to 32″. $15. 829-1568

    @normal:REFRIGERATOR, White. 21.6 cubic ft. w/side-by-side freezer. $150. 456-5507×104

    @normal:FREEZER, large white upright. $125. 456-5507 x 104

    @normal:DRYER, Gas. Maytag heavy duty. Cream color. Works well. $99. 457-1457

    @normal:IRONING BOARD. Good condition. $5. 829-1568

    @normal:VENETIAN BLINDS. 31-1/4″x68-3/4 “w/TVC slats. Never used. $20. 829-1568

    @normal:SKIS. Rossignal Strato. 6’6″. Includes binding & boots. (Size 12) $85. Firm. 454-4272

    @normal:CHAIRS, 3 oak swivel back w/arms, med. size. Excellent condition. $40 each. 457-6000

    @normal:FUTON, queen, oak frame, batik print cover. $75. 589-2781

    @normal:PLAYGROUND LITTLE TYPES PLAYHOUSE. Bright colors. Good condition. $95. 456-3830

    @normal:PRINTER. Epson Stylus 500. 2 years old. $65. 457-6000

    @normal:MONITOR. Trinitron. 14″ $65. 457-6000

    @normal:CLOCK. Small grandfather’s clock. Dark wood. $95. 456-6781

    @normal:CORRAL FENCE. 4-pole. 24′. $70 each. 7 pole gates 16′ $70 each. 457-6648

    @normal:JUICER, “Champion.” Professional, top of the line. Brand new. $75. 456-1530

    @normal:ART. Original oil by Pat Smoot. 3’x4′, of the Taxco Cathedral in Mexico. $100. 456-1530

    @normal:WINDOW. Brand new. Aluminum. 3’x4′. Dark anodized. $100. 456-1530

    @normal:NORDICTRACK including literature, video. Hardly used. Paid $800. Need space. $99.95 457-7748

    @normal:PINE dining room table & 4 matching chairs. $95. 457-5131

    @normal:PIANO. Upright from 1880s. Exquisite carved wood, heirloom. Needs tuning. Must sell ASAP. $475/obo. 310-456-6393.

    @normal:STOVE, electric. White-Westinghouse. 40″ wide. 4 burners. Storage drawer, warming cabinet. Excellent condition. $350/obo. 310-456-6393.

    @normal:KAYAK, Large 2-seater. $100. 456-2465.

    @normal:WASHER, GAS DRYER. Like new. $300 obo. 310-493-9100


    @normal:VIKING FLOORS Specializing in Installation & Finishing of all types of flooring. 310-457-7823.

    @Header:For Sale

    @normal:**NEW FURNITURE SALE** Rustic pine armoires, chests, bookshelves, etc. Slipcovered sofas & chairs, leather sets, sleigh beds, bedroom sets, mattresses, bunk beds, kid’s furniture, dining room, coffee tables, rugs, lamps, artwork, etc. All new. 310-397-7061

    @normal:DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE HOME. 1,400 sq. ft., 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Huge living room w/fireplace. Big kitchen w/skylights. Laundry room. Dining room, office. Beautiful design. Must see. Must be moved. $30,000 obo. 323-876-0515

    @normal:REFRIGERATOR, white, 21.6 cubic feet with side-by-side freezer. $150. FREEZER, large white upright. $125. Call Dick at 310-456-5507 ext. 104

    @normal:FOR SALE. Vintage metal furniture, color matched or painted. Tanker desk – credenzas – book shelves. Also heavy gage steel cabinets for your garage or kitchen. (800) 748-6122

    @NORMAL:WOLFF TANNING BEDS. TAN AT HOME Buy direct and SAVE. Commercial/Home units from $199.00. Low monthly payments. Free color catalog. Call today. 1-800-842-1310 Cal*Scan

    @normal:18″ DIRECTV Satellite System. Single $69. Two box systems $149. 3 months free programming. www.Integratedsatellite.com Authorized dealer. Open 7 days 1-800-325-7836 #00115 Cal*Scan

    @Header:Garage Sales

    @normal:WHEN YOU ADVERTISE WITH THE MALIBU TIMES you will receive FREE Garage Sale signs & arrows. Call us at 310-456-5507 Ext. 108 to place your Garage Sale Classified Ad.

    @normal:ESTATE SALE: Office furniture, dirt bike, bedroom furniture, clothes from Friends, boy’s clothes, designer women’s clothes, ’30s rattan furniture. Sat. & Sun. May 8 & 9. 10:00am-4:00pm. 28861 SELFRIDGE.

    @normal:GIANT GARAGE SALE. Furniture, piano, clothes, accessories & much, much more!! ONE DAY ONLY. Saturday May 22. 9am-5pm. 32215 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY.

    @normal:FABULOUS BIG FURNITURE SALE. Antique to modern. Bedroom set, queen Sealy Hide-a-Bed, TV, marble end table, lamps, oil paintings, “L” shaped desk w/chair. Garden waterfall, metal storage cabinet w/30 drawers, car polisher, shop vac.Much more! Sat-Sun. May 22-23. 9am-2pm. 24637 BLUE DANE LANE, COUNTRY ESTATES. Off John Tyler, Pepperdine.

    @normal:LOTS “LIKE NEW” KID’S CLOTHES. BOY/GIRLS. DESIGNER ADULTS. $1-5 most. Work out machines, books. May 22 & 23. 9am-2pm. 28861 SELFRIDGE.


    @normal:MALIBU GLASS & Mirror & Screens 3547 Winter Canyon Road. 310-456-1844.


    @normal:**NEATNIK CONSTRUCTION**. Carpentry, decks, wood floors, tilework, interior & exteror painting & remodeling. Responsible Malibu property owner. Reasonable. Excellent Malibu references. 310-457-5214

    @NORMAL:A to Z HOME IMPROVEMENTS. No job too large or too small. Carpentry, painting, tile, retaining walls, decks, masonry, dog houses, and more. Honest, reasonable, reliable. Local references. Bill 310-317-2221

    @normal:MALIBU RESIDENT SINCE CHILDHOOD. Handyman with many local references in painting, drywall repair, repair & installation of decks & fences, of plumbing & more. Call Alain at 310-457-4666


    @normal:TREE TRIMMING, CLEAN UPS, HAULING. Hillsides, yards. Local Referenced. 310-317-1674. Pgr. 310-299-5189

    @normal:CLEANUP SERVICE. 20 years experience. Demolition, brush removal, concrete & asphalt removal, gardens trimmed. 310-457-3796

    @normal:MALIBU ON-TIME HAULING. Fast reliable service. 2 1/2 ton capacity. Brush removal, building materials, furniture, etc. Malibu resident 32 years. Reasonable rates. Direct Line – No Voice Mail! 310-456-8819

    @Header:Health & Fitness

    @normal:**20 YEARS EXPERIENCE** Certified acupressurist & Reiki practicitioner. Beneficial for everything from neck & back pain to asthma & severe stress. Appointments in your home. Gentle. Powerful. Deeply peaceful healing. Call Anandamayi at 310-589-2946.

    @normal:SYNERGETIC TOUCH MASSAGE blends reflexology, acupressure, Swedish massage to enhance the holistic self to heal, maintain wellness, balance, strength, acuteness & stillness. Welcomes children, elderly, pregnancies, couples, groups. In/Out calls. 1-2 hours session. Louretta Walker 323-934-8996

    @normal:STOP HAIR LOSS. Promote hair regrowth. Natural European medication. Better than Minoxidil, Propecia or Kevis. For free brochure call 1-800-262-4366 ext. #17 Cal*Scan

    @normal:SWEET NEWS FOR Diabetics! Medicare, MediCal & Private insurance pays up to 100% of testing supplies! Call the Calif. Diabetes specialist! FREE home delivery! (800) 801-5576. Cal*Scan

    @Header:Help Wanted

    @normal:HELP WANTED FOR busy Malibu answering service. Full-time, part-time, day and evening shifts available. Call 310-317-2195 for more information.

    @normal:PRODUCTION ASSISTANT needed for Malibu newspaper. Part-time Tuesday afternoon & evenings to help layout & paste-up. Experience a must. 310-456-5507, ext.110

    @normal:PHOTOJOURNALISM INTERNSHIP. The Malibu Times is looking for a photojournalist intern to learn all aspects of newspaper photojournalism & darkroom work & earn professional clips. Interns may shoot civic meetings, community activities, sports events, etc., write photo captions, assist in all phases of production. Must have experience on school or community newspaper, or equivalent. Internships qualify for credit at some schools. Includes small stipend. Internship last 4-6 months, 15 hours per week minimum, Tuesday production hours, other hours flexible. Call Dany Margolies, associate editor, at 310-456-5507 ext. 109, or fax resume/samples to 310-456-8986

    @normal:RESEARCH, RECEPTIONIST Salary+bonus. Responsibilities include: answer phone & research on computer data bases & Internet. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 9am-3pm. Please fax resume to Mann & Company: 310-589-6117.

    @normal:WORK FROM HOME – EARN EXTRA INCOME. $800-$3500 PT/FT. Call 1-800-714-5653 for free information or log on to http://www.hbn.com and please use the access code 5819 *BMX

    @normal:**THE MALIBU TIMES** is looking for a part-time Inside Advertising & Telemarketer person to sell special sections. Salary plus commission. Sales experience preferred. Call Rae at 310-456-5507, Ext 108 or fax your resume to 310-456-8986

    @normal:ARE YOU A NEWS HOUND! The Malibu Times is looking for experienced reporters with an itch to cover government & fast-breaking stories. Call Arnold York, publisher at 456-5507 ext 101 or for immediate consideration fax clips to 456-8986

    @normal:RECEPTIONISTS/ADMIN. Excellent long & short-term opportunities with high-profile companies. Experience w/multi-line phone system, have MSword. Good organizational skills. Call 310-826-3828

    @normal:ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO PSYCHIC. Busy Malibu Psychic seeks intelligent person w/ability to prioritize multiple tasks, sense of humor, willingness to help others, great telephone, communication skills and writing ability. Computer/email/website maintenance experience a must! Minimum 3 years office experience. Long-term, permanent, part-time. M-F, 1-6:30pm. Fax 310-457-0993

    @normal:ORTHODONTIC RDA Prestigious orthodonic office offering “prestigious” salary/benefits. Exceptional opportunity. Fax resume: 310-459-3826.

    @normal:THE MALIBU TIMES is looking for a full or part-time Advertising Salesperson. Salary plus commission. Some sale experience necessary (will train). Call Arnold York at 310-456-5507 ext. 101 or fax your resume to 310-456-8986

    @normal:FILM PRODUCTION COMPANY INTERN. Flexible hours, flexible days. No pay. Call David at 310-457-5254

    @normal:COUNSELOR: Experienced substance abuse/dual diagnosis counselors needed for a 6 bed adult residential treatment facility in Malibu. Day, evening & overnight shifts available. Lead recovery groups. Contact Sherri. 818-363-5630

    @normal:FRED SANDS REALTORS MALIBU seeks F/T Receptionist (M-F, 9-6) to answer busy phones, greet visitors & perform office duties. MUST be service oriented team player & work well under pressure. RE experience a +. Benefits. Call Sally for interview. 310-456-3638

    @normal:CHEF, CASHIER, SERVERS, BARTENDER needed for family dining restaurant. Experience preferred. Come in for an interview. 22969 Pacific Coast Highway. 310-456-6106

    @normal:PROFESSIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE CONSULTING FIRM seeking Account Executives. Attractive financial rewards with a technologically advanced consulting firm. Take control of your life! Email resumes to: mjs@unisourcentc.com or Fax to 310-456-0550 attn MJS.

    @normal:NEW BUSINESS seeks intelligent, motivated, nature & health loving people w/excellent communication skills to fill several positions immediately due to rapid expansion. Call 310-990-2256.

    @normal:PART-TIME CUSTOMER SERVICE POSITION available in busy Malibu office. Please fax resume to: 310-456-3742

    @normal:ORTHO ASSISTANT/R.D.A., Malibu office seeks energetic individual to join our fun-loving practice. Must love children & be a team player. Fax resume: 310-456-8627 or call 310-456-3306

    @normal:PRE SCHOOL TEACHER position available starting in June or September. Must be experienced, credentialed and familiar w/developmental based curriculum. Call 310-457-5144 for interview & fax your resume 310-457-2102. We are an equal opportunity employer & hiring male or female teachers.

    @normal:RECEPTIONIST. Malibu real estate office. Needs experience candidate, professional appearance for front desk to greet visitor w/excellent verbal, written, organizational, phone, people skills. Filling, computer literate. Assist personnel, general office duties. Benefits, 401K. Fax resume to Rosalinde: 310-317-4256

    @normal:DENTAL R.D.A. EXPERIENCED. Friendly high quality Brentwood private practice seeks vivacious, ambition team player. Salary DOE. Call Carol at 310-820-0300

    @normal:A & B PLUMBING NEEDS DISPATCHER to answer phone & schedule plumbers. Full-time or part-time. 310-456-8550.

    @normal:GUITAR TEACHER NEEDED for two 5 year olds. Must be patient & have references. Please call 310-589-2959.

    @normal:EASY WORK FROM HOME. Medical Billing FT/PT Processors Needed ASAP. No Experience Necessary. Home P.C. required $50K & up/yr. 1-800-600-1844 Ext 226H

    @normal:MAINTENANCE WORKER NEEDED full-time at Tivoli Cove condominium complex. Call manager Tom at 310-457-4305

    @normal:BABY SITTER, experienced, teenage or older. LIGHT CLERICAL WORK, high school or college student. 8-10 hours per week. Call Judy at 310-457-5750.

    @normal:AVON PRODUCTS – Start your own business. Work flexible hours. Enjoy unlimited earnings. Call toll free (888)942-4053. Cal*Scan

    @normal:DRIVER COVENANT TRANSPORT $1,000 sign-on bonus for Exp. Company Drivers. 1-800-441-4394. Owner Operators – Call toll free 1-888-667-3729.

    Bud Meyer Truck Lines. Refrigerated hauling call toll free 1-877-283-6393 Solo Drivers & Contractors. Cal*Scan

    @normal:CO. SPONSORED TRAINING & 1st year income $35K – Stevens Transport – OTR truck drivers wanted! Non-experienced or experienced – Toll free 888-279-4058 EOE. Cal*Scan

    @normal:AIR FORCE. Great career opportunities available for high school grads, ages 17-27. Plus up to $9,000 enlistment bonus if you qualify! For an information packet, call 1-800-423-USAF or visit www.airforce.com Cal*Scan

    @normal:DIRECTOR OF NURSING Position available immediately in 99 bed SNF for strong, exper. D.O.N. Live in #1 small town in California in valley among fruit trees, vineyards, lakes, streams & mountains. Strong psycho tropic knowledge recommended. FAX resume to: Pleasant Care of Ukiah 707-462-0742 & call Kim Taylor, Administrator 707-462-6636. Cal*Scan

    @normal:DRIVERS-EARN TO 37 cents/mile! Consistent miles. More hometime. Great benefits. Great equipment. Western/48 states. 3yrs. OTR + 1yr flatbed. Combined Transport 1-800-290-2327. Cal*Scan

    @normal:DRIVER – GREAT PAY and high miles! Plus 100 new freightliners, 80% west coast runs, 99% no-touch, 401(k). Qual-Com. in-cab e-mail. Call today! John Christner Trucking. 1-800-528-3675 Cal*Scan

    @normal:DRIVERS – WHEN IT comes to benefits, we’ve got all the bell & whistles. *New pay raise. *Solos .29cpm. *$1,000 sigh-on bonus. Training opportunities. SRT 1-877-BIG-PAYDAY (1-877-244-7293) Toll Free

    @Header:Home Care

    @normal:CAREGIVER/CARETAKER, houseman. Local gentleman will drive, shop, cook, clean, maintain, repair, smile & enable. Part or full time. Please call Joe @ 310-317-2082

    @normal:EXPERIENCED CARE GIVER. Years of experience w/elderly care. Can provide round-the-clock care. All aspects of personal care, medication, etc. Healthy cooking, light housekeeping. Errands. Short-term or long-term. Live in or out. Local references. 818-880-8210


    @normal:STALLS FOR LEASE in small, private, luxury barn. Turn-out, fly spray system, stereo, phone, fabulous. Near town & trails. For information, call 310-456-7272

    @normal:RETREAT RANCH NEAR DEL MAR. 8 acre equestrian ranch w/covered lighted riding arena & outdoor riding arena. Situated on 2 estate homesites. Running streams, trails, beautiful country views in prestigious area. Price $1.3 million. One of the last undeveloped gems in coastal north San Diego County. PP 619-756-1665


    @normal:HOUSEKEEPING. 2 or 3 days per week. I do a very nice job. I have 10 years working experience in Santa Monica. I like kids & pets. Own transportation. Very good references. (My reference: Mr. Bill at 310-394-7710). If you need my services please call Nora at (323) 734-1228.

    @normal:EXCELLENT HOUSEKEEPER. Marta does an impeccable job. Speaks English. Available 1-3 days/week. Terrific with children – may help with child care too. Fabulous references. Call Pam 818-597-8180.


    @Normal:MALIBU PLANTSCAPING. Interior & Exterior plant care design and maintenance. Call 310-457-1625.

    @Header:Legal Services

    @normal:DIVORCE $195.00 30 days, property, children, missing spouse OK. No hearings/no court available. Bankruptcy $225. Stop creditor calls. 8AM-8PM. Monday-Saturday. 800-688-3188. Cal*Scan

    @Header:Lost & Found

    @normal:FREE LOST & FOUND ADS. Have you lost a pet or found an article? Please call our Classified Dept. at 310-456-5507 Ext 108 and we will be glad to take your classified ad at NO CHARGE.

    @normal:***REWARD*** Lost silver necklace w/heart shape diamond pendant. Lost 4/27 in Cross Creek or Malibu Colony shopping centers. Very sentimental. Please call 310-589-8800

    @normal:FOUND men’s wedding band at 76 Station at Webb Way. Call Jeff at 310-456-3521


    @normal:SYNERGETIC TOUCH MASSAGE blends reflexology, acupressure, Swedish massage to enhance the holistic self to heal, maintain wellness, balance, strength, acuteness & stillness. Welcomes children, elderly, pregnancies, couples, groups. In/Out calls. 1-2 hours session. Louretta Walker 323-934-8996

    @normal:**20 YEARS EXPERIENCE** Certified acupressurist & Reiki practicitioner. Beneficial for everything from neck & back pain to asthma & severe stress. Appointments in your home. Gentle. Powerful. Deeply peaceful healing. Call Anandamayi at 310-589-2946.

    @Header:Mobile Homes

    @normal:DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE HOME. 1,400 sq. ft. , 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Huge living room w/fireplace. Big kitchen w/skylights. Laundry room. Dining room, office. Beautiful design. Must see. Must be moved. $30,000 obo. 323-876-0515

    @normal:GIANT – RV SALE K-Mart – May 20-23/Anaheim Hills only: Huge surplus – Nation’s leading manufacturer – Factory leftovers – Save thousands! 91 Freeway & Yorba Linda Blvd. Free call: 1-877-690-8090

    @Header:Mobile Services

    @normal:HAWAIIAN LIGHTS CO. MOBILE SERVICE. Electric garage doors, landscape lighting, car stereos & alarms. Indoor lighting replacement. Assemble audio & computer wall units. Local resident w/references. Paul the Hawaiian 310-457-9611, pager 310-841-9974

    @Header:Musical Instruction

    @normal:PIANO & VOCAL TRAINING. All ages. Indiana University grad & childhood learning specialist. (Speech, diction, projection – adults) Other tutoring available. Long-time Malibu resident w/refs. Local number, 310-689-1000 Ext. 5560

    @normal:DRUM LESSONS From children to professionals. Over 30 years experience. Records, film, concerts & teaching. Now accepting a limited number of students. Will Ornelas. 310-456-9457. References & credits upon request.


    @normal:**BARETTA’S ESTATE PAINTING SERVICE**Looking for full-time painting position. Interior – Exterior. Free estimates. 20 years experience in the Malibu area. Pager #310-610-2942

    @normal:**THE FAUX ‘HO** Certified interior designer specializes in decorative paint finishes for every surface of your home or office. Standard painting services also available. Call Patricia at 323-874-0937.

    @normal:PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTING.Murals/Faux. Expert furniture & cabinet refinishing. Local references. Dean 310-456-5058

    @Header:Party Services


    • Balloons & Bouquets for all Occasions. Now carrying BEANIE BABIES 21217 Pacific Coast Highway & Rambla Pacifico, Malibu. Call 310-456-9746.


    @normal:******ADVERTISE STATEWIDE!****** Place a 25-word classified ad for $450. Your ad will run in 200+ California newspaper. Combined circurlation over 3.3 million. For information, call The Malibu Times at 310-456-5507 and ask for Rae.

    @normal:RELATIONSHIP COACH Sylvia Green can help you with your love, marriage and dating concerns. Telephone consultations $1.00 per minute. Call 24-hour hotline (310) 399-5612 or e-mail matingline@aol.com Initial call is free.

    @Header:Picture Framing

    @normal:MALIBU GALLERY Serving Malibu’s picture framing and art collector needs since 1981. We buy old paintings & photos of Malibu area. Colony Plaza (near Ralph’s). 310-456-5393.

    @Header:Plant Care

    @normal:MALIBU PLANTSCAPING. Quality plant care. Interior & exterior plant design & maintenance. Commercial, residential. 310-457-1625


    @normal:McDERMOTT PLUMBING & PUMPING. Residential, commercial. Call on us to handle what ever comes up. 24-hour emergency service. Plumbing 310-456-2286, Pumping 310-456-1173

    @normal:**AMERICAN QUALITY PLUMBING** Repair

    • Repipe
    • Remodel. Competitive Rates. Same day service. Lic#636701. Call 310-456-7220

    @normal:SPIES LIKE US INVESTIGATIONS. Specializing in surveillance, domestic, child custody, video photography, counter-surveillance, nanny-cams, criminal, and civil investigations. PI#20786. 310-455-1861 Topanga, or 805-230-5552, Westlake Village.

    @Header:Real Estate

    @normal:******ADVERTISE STATEWIDE!****** Place a 25-word classified ad for $450. Your ad will run in 200+ California newspaper. Combined circurlation over 3.3 million. For information call The Malibu Times at 310-456-5507 and ask for Rae.

    @normal:RETREAT RANCH NEAR DEL MAR. 8 acre equestrian ranch w/covered lighted riding arena & outdoor riding arena. Situated on 2 estate homesites. Running streams, trails, beautiful country views in prestigious area. Price $1.3 million. One of the last undeveloped gems in coastal north San Diego County. PP 619-756-1665

    @normal:*FOR SALE BY OWNER* Picturesque county home set in heart of Santa Monica Mountains. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. 2 fireplace. Horse lot. Quiet street, hiking & riding trails. 1+usable acre. Pool. Guest unit/office. Las Virgenes School District. 8 minutes Malibu, 4 minutes 101 Freeway. ***OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY*** MAY 23 – 1pm-5pm. 2507 STOKES CANYON ROAD, CALABASAS 818-707-9934

    @normal:AZ’s BEST BARGAINS. 36 acres – $19,900. Beautiful ranch a perfect 6,100′ climate. Views of San Francisco Peaks & Grand Canyon. Affordable financing. Hurry! Call AZLR 1-877-244-8439. Cal*Scan

    @normal:ARIZONA NORTHWEST. 40 acres – $15,900. Great getaway ranch with awesome views. Abundant ground water. E-Z terms. Call AZLR 1-888-244-5263. Cal*Scan

    @normal:LAKE TAHOE AREA riverfront 100 AC – $295,000. New to market. Spectacular open & wooded acreage w/famous trout river winding thru it! Tons of browns & rainbows, plus water fowl & wildlife galore! Enjoy Nevada’s quality of life including excellent climate & no taxes! Ideally located in the Sierra Nevadas just 1 hour to Tahoe & Reno. Country rd. frontage, utilities, ample water rights. An incredible opportunity to own prime riverfront in an exclusive location! Financing available. Call owner now. 775-463-0046 Cal*Scan

    @Header:Real Estate Commercial

    @normal:**BASKIN ROBBINS – 31 FLAVORS** Interested in starting one in Malibu? Call Carter at (949) 240-0418. I have a good location!


    @normal:MALIBU BROAD BEACH AREA. Private beach. 3 bedroom, 3.5 baths. Furnished house. Deck w/ocean view. Hot tub. 400 ft. to beach. Gated community. Pets welcomed. For rent in July & August. $8,000/month. 310-589-0665

    @normal:BEACH FRONT APARTMENT- HUGE STUDIO (750 sq. ft.) for rent. Large full-size kitchen, laundry, parking. Close-in location. New carpet, paint. Long-term $1,695/month. Summer $3,200/month. 310-456-7112. Available now.

    @normal:ON THE BEACH IN MALIBU. Small beach house on sandy dry beach. Bright, sunny, cheerfully decorated. June $10,500. July $11,500. August $12,500. September $12,500. Call 310-456-3700.

    @normal:LOVELY ARCHITECTURAL, spectacular ocean views, privacy, pool, gardens. Close-in. 3 bedroom, 3 bath. Available June, July, August. $8,000/month. 3 month minimum. Agents Margaret & Melanie. 310-317-9319 or 310-317-9394

    @normal:COMPLETELY FURNISHED, POINT DUME. Large homey, sunny 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment w/pool. Available June 1. Short or long-term. $1,550/month + utilities (or exchange for NYC apartment). 310-457-1287

    @normal:OCEAN FRONT DELIGHT. Large white tile & oak kitchen, new paint/Berber carpet. All appliances included. Two story, 2 decks. Fireplace. Off-street parking. 3 bedroom, 3 bath, bonus room. Close-in 310-456-3150 Ext 3.


    @normal:2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, large sunny condo w/view, balcony, pool/spa at Kanan & PCH. Bright/clean. 2 large walk-in closets. Parking in carport w/2 spaces. Available now. $1,650/month. 310-456-3411 or 310-456-1160

    @normal:MALIBU ROAD 1+1 Sand and ocean view from balcony. Vaulted ceilings, lots of windows. Generous closet space, laundry facilities, stove/refrig/dishwasher. Large bathroom w/tub. Storage space. Parking. Furnished/unfurnished. Available June 1st. $1,775/month. 323-658-1000

    @normal:BEAUTIFUL MALIBU, SOUTHWEST SERENE HOME. Miles of trails. Stream, woods, park. Vistas Bonitas. Private, peaceful, spacious. 4-1/2 acres. Award winning architect, Buff & Hensman. New Subzero, etc. Horses O.K. Satellite. $3,750/month. 310-457-4405

    @normal:HOUSE FOR RENT. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath. Den w/wet bar, new paint/carpet, open beamed-ceilings throughout. Lots of closets. Quiet, seclude El Nido. No pets. $2,200/month. 310-456-8585

    @normal:3,000 SQUARE FOOT BROAD BEACH HOME. 4 bedroom, 3 bath. Double master. Ceramic tile floors, 13 skylights. Perfect for 2 families or roommates. Month to month or lease option available. $5,000/month OR $3,000/month duplex, 3 bedroom, 2 bath. 310-457-7179.

    @normal:GREAT OCEAN VIEW AT COUNTY LINE. One bedroom, 1 bath. Newly painted & new carpeting. Balcony. Washer/dryer hookup. No pets. One-lease. $1,200/month. 310-364-8928, or 818-703-7041

    @normal:BEACHFRONT APARTMENT- HUGE STUDIO (750 sq. ft.) for rent. Large full-size kitchen, laundry, parking. Close-in location. New carpet, paint. Long-term $1,695/month. Summer $3,200/month. 310-456-7112. Available now.

    @normal: 2 CONDOS -EXQUISITE POOL CARBON BEACH 84. Best beach, building, price, best for children. No pets. Lease/summer. Furnished, one queen bed. $2,700-$3,000 (Lease). Summer $3,000-$3,500/month. 3 bedroom, $5,000. Starting June/July. 310-454-2628

    @normal:MALIBU TIVOLI COVE. Beautiful tri-level townhouse. Dramatic ocean view. 1+loft (2 bed) Fireplace. A/C, 2-car parking. Pool, tennis court, spa/sauna, exercise room, clubhouse. Gated & secure. $2,200/month. Linda. 310-459-1700×16 or page 310-248-1637.

    @normal:MALIBU WEST. 4/3, w/bonus room. Pool/spa. Great family neighborhood. Private beach, tennis, clubhouse. Available July or August. Can reserve now for 6/1 school enrollment cutoff. Consider pets. $3,800/month. +maintenance/utilities. 310-453-0907

    @normal:COMPLETELY FURNISHED. POINT DUME. Large homey, sunny 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment w/pool. Available June 1. Short or long-term. $1,550/month + utilities (or exchange for NYC apartment). 310-457-1287

    @normal:WHITEWATER & MOUNTAIN VIEWS. Walk to beach. Small guest house. Private entrance. Kitchenette, bathroom, new tile floors throughout. 2-car parking. Available June 1st. References required. $1,000/month. 310-457-3272

    @normal:BEACH HOUSE. Charming 2-story Cape Cod on sandy Las Tunas beach. Newly decorated. 3 bedroom plus sun room. Bonus room. Fireplace. Hardwood floors throughout. Large deck. Washer/dryer. $6,500/month. 310-456-8153.

    @normal:OCEAN FRONT DELIGHT. Large white tile & oak kitchen, new paint/Berber carpet. All appliances included. Two story, 2 decks. Fireplace. Off-street parking. 3 bedroom, 3 bath, bonus room. Close-in 310-456-3150 Ext 3.

    @Header:Rentals To Share

    @normal:ENGINEER-PROFESSIONAL seeking responsible person to share fantastic 3 bedroom, 3 bath, fireplace, spa, deck, house overlooking ocean w/views from Pt. Dume to SM on top of Las Flores Canyon. Available June 3. $1,500/month. 310-837-6987, 310-456-7216

    @normal:SHARE WRITER’S RETREAT. Small cottage, west Malibu mountains. Male or female. Must be employed, responsible w/references. $450/month +$25 utilities. 1st , last, security. 619-227-9746 Cell or Leave Message at 310-457-5214.

    @Header:Rental Wanted

    @normal:GAY BODYBUILDER/PERSONAL TRAINER SEEKING room to rent in an estate w/ocean view or swimming pool. Will provide added security. Responsible, dependable, employed. Excellent references. Needed immediately. Call 800-556-4163


    @normal: FOUR SEASONS ROOFING. All types of roofing & repairs. Licensed (#726424) Bonded & insured. Workmanship guaranteed. Residential, Commercial & Industrial. LOWEST RESIDENTIAL RATES IN LA! Free estimate. 310-317-9595, 310. Cell, 310-420-0293. Pager 800-417-6052

    @normal:***OLYMPIC ROOFING*** Since 1969

    • New Roofs
    • Maintenance
    • Repair Service. Quality Is Not Expensive….It’s Priceless! License #339689. Bonded. 818-993-0029

    @normal:PAUL BANCROFT ROOFING, INC. Over 25 years custom quality service. New & Re-roofing, all types. Waterproofing. Commercial*Residential. We’re built on integrity! St. Lic.#467286. Call 818/888-7307

    @Header:Rubbish Collection

    @normal:ALADDIN DISPOSAL. Brush removal, drop body service, rent-a-bin. Commercial & residential. 310-457-1408. Malibu Customers.

    @Header:Self Improvement

    @normal:RELATIONSHIP COACH Sylvia Green can help you with your love, marriage and dating concerns. Telephone consultations $1.00 per minute. Call 24-hour hotline (310) 399-5612 or e-mail matingline@aol.com Initial call is free.


    @normal:LETTER PERFECT: Letters, Resumes, Scripts, Manuscripts, Legal, Word Processing, Fax services available. Also, Computer Lessons, Learn Windows 95, & E-mail. Contact Karen 310-456-8625.

    @normal:ORGANIZE THIS! Professional organizer. Whatever, wherever, whenever. Home/office set-up & maintenance. Moving/packing, spring cleaning, bill paying, address book, file system, inventory, time & space management. Gift Certificate & much more. Michelle@310-392-1206.

    @normal:EXCELLENT PERSONAL ASSISTANT. Energetic, reliable, discreet, self-starter, enthusiastic. Managerial/organizational skills, detailed oriented. Multi-tasked, computer proficient. Excellent Malibu references available. 310-457-2612

    @normal:***PRIVATE DRIVER*** Malibu resident looking for full-time driving position. Your car or mine. Also can provide airport transportation. Beeper #310-610-2942


    @normal:****DOMINO ENTERPRISES**** Signs & Graphics, Murals & Fine Arts. Malibu Resident. Serving The Motion Picture Industry Since 1978. Call 310-317-4699


    @normal:TOPANGA ART TILE. Mirrors, tables, fountains, mosaics, lighting, sculpture, hand-made & hand-painted, porcelain tile, murals. 310-455-3359. Call for Appointment.

    @normal:KITCHEN & BATHROOM REMODELING SPECIALIST, ceramic tile, marble tiles, saltillo, prep. & installation plus full remodeling: carpentry, electrical & plumbing. Licensed, Bonded, Insured. Phone **UHLER CONSTRUCTION** 310-457-5668 License #515395

    @Header:Tree Service

    @normal:MALIBU TREE TRIMMING. Shaping, thinning, stump grinding, topping, pruning, feeding, removal, cabling, spraying. No charge for consultation or quote. Vincent Godoy, Owner. 310-456-6694

    @Header:Window Cleaning

    @normal:BEAUTIFUL WINDOWS COMPANY. Professional window washing, carpet cleaning. Call 310-456-8707 today.